Thursday March 27th, 3-4pm Eastern /12-1pm Pacific
Tehanee Ratwatte, MBA/MAE, Indiana University Faculty (Kelly School of Business) and Career Consultant for the Gregory S. Fehribach Center at Eskenazi Health
Sharon Field, Ed.D., Founder of 2BSD and Professor Emeritus at Wayne State University
Katie Brendli Brown, Ph.D., Tang Tan Institute on Employment and Disability, Cornell University
This webinar will describe career coaching services designed to help college students and recent graduates with physical disabilities become more successful in obtaining employment or advancing in graduate level education. These coaching services are offered to current and former interns affiliated with the Gregory S. Fehribach Center at Eskenazi Health in Indianapolis, IN, as part of the Center’s internship program. This program provides college students with physical disabilities paid internships in fields related to their major and professional development training to improve their employment outcomes. The presenters will also discuss how the coaching services integrate skill building in self-determination and psychological capital. Recommendations will be provided on the development and evaluation of campus coaching services designed to support the career development of young adults, particularly those with physical disabilities. Time will be included for interaction with the audience.
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