Mathematics and Disabilities Handbook

book cover for "Mathmatics and Disabilities"

by Paul Nolting, Ph.D. and Contributing Authors  (2022)

The handbook is intended for directors of disabilities service and learning resource centers, department chairs, math instructors, counselors and deans, and persons who are teaching, tutoring, or advising students with disabilities. The handbook has the most up-to-date information on how disabilities affect math learning, additional disability areas, new educational accommodations, math study skills, new testing accommodations along with substitution processes. There are separate chapters for Disabilities Resource Offices and Math Department along with discussing COVID Impact and direct links to new resources, current OCR Letters, and Resolution Agreements. Just select the chapter(s) you want to read.The chapters are:

  • Introduction: A Knowledge Base for Understanding Disabilities
  • Determining the Existence of a Specific Learning Disability and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Determining the Existence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Effects on Math Learning
  • Determining the Existence of a Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Traumatic Stress, and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Autism Spectrum and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Language Impairments and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Intellectual Disability and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Improving Math Learning Strategies with Educational Accommodations Based on Processing Deficits
  • Math Testing Accommodations Based on Processing Deficits, Language Impairment, TBI, PTS, and Autism
  • Math Department and Learning Assistance Center Strategies
  • Disability Resource Office Improving Mathematics Success
  • Determining Appropriate Course Substitutions and Procedures
  • Landmark Office of Civil Rights Decisions, Course Substitution Cases, and Cases Studies for Student Accommodations

The handbook also has checklists for documentation, resource sheets on how the WAIS‐IV and WJ IV COG Cognitive Ability factors influence math achievement, and which factors are most significant to math learning and course substitutions. The Stages of Memory Sheets sheet explains how processing deficits affect math learning based and where learning may break down based on their disability. There is also a discussion about a possible math gene. Additionally, each chapter has reference Web sites. This digital copy can only be shared within your campus.

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