AHEAD in Virginia Membership

Join/Renew Membership

Dear Colleague,

Welcome! If you’re already a member of AHEAD in Virginia, you know the value of membership and the support of the AHEAD community.

If you’re not currently an AHEAD in Virginia member, thank you for considering membership! Since 1990, AHEAD in Virginia has delivered quality training and professional development activities on all issues impacting access to higher education for students with disabilities. AHEAD in Virginia members represent a diverse network of professionals who actively address issues of access and disability on their campuses and in the field of higher education. We hope you’ll join us! 

Click here to complete the on-line Membership Application  (Our membership year is October 1 to September 30.)

Membership Categories:

  • $50 – Individual Membership
  • $200 – Institutional Membership (up to 5 individuals from same institution/campus/department/office, $25 per person after 5)
  • $25 - Emeritus Membership (retired disability services professional)

PLEASE NOTE:  Membership in AHEAD in Virginia is separate from membership in national AHEAD (www.ahead.org).  Membership between AHEAD in Virginia and national AHEAD is not reciprocal – you must join both associations separately in order to receive the membership benefits of both organizations.