Knowledge and Practice Communities (KPCs)

Knowledge and Practice Communities (KPCs) bring together AHEAD members who share a common interest in a specific subject area. They support the Association by connecting members, sharing information, and developing resources. AHEAD highly encourages member involvement in KPCs as a way to both improve professional practice and enhance the member experience. The following KPCs currently serve AHEAD:  

    KPC Support

    KPCs support AHEAD by offering members:

    • An international network of colleagues interested in a common area, including topic experts who can address questions and concerns;
    • Educational resources, through website content, electronic communication, conference presentations, and informational articles in the Associations online newsletter, the HUB;
    • Opportunities for leadership and service for chairs and co-chairs; and
    • Sponsored conference sessions that extend knowledge and ensure professional development opportunities in areas of member interest.

    AHEAD supports its KPCs through:

    • A Board of Directors Liaison who communicates KPC concerns and recommendations to the Board and updates KPC Chairs on Association business;
    • A presence on the AHEAD website;
    • An annual networking and organizational meeting at the annual conference;
    • The opportunity to establish an online community of KPC members; and
    • The opportunity to request funding to support KPC initiatives of importance to the full membership.

    KPC Activities

    KPCs are an essential member structure for AHEAD! They keep the Association and its members abreast of developments in evolving areas of professional practice and enhance member networking through the following common activities:  

    • Election of one or more chairs to serve as the contact point for information, host the annual meeting, and promote an active role for the KPC in supporting the full membership;  
    • Development of a KPC webpage with contact information for the chairs, an accurate purpose statement, and annual goals and objectives;
    • Support for the professional development of the membership by sponsoring conference sessions, developing website resources such as FAQs, and proposing professional development activities;
    • An annual meeting during the conference to bring members together for networking, planning, and professional development.

    Propose a New KPC

    AHEAD KPCs evolve in response to the interests of the membership and emerging professional trends. As a new topic takes on importance, members may propose a new KPC to bring interested members together to develop expertise and resources.

    Members interested in starting a new KPC should draft a proposal for Board of Directors consideration. The proposal should include: 

    1.  A mission statement that aligns with AHEAD's mission, vision, and core values. 
    2.  An identified purpose and need.

    • How does the proposed KPC meet needs not currently addressed by a current KPC?

    3.  Names and contact information for a primary and secondary KPCrepresentative.
    4.  Names and contact information for at least ten (10) AHEAD members supportive of the proposed KPC and interested in participating.
    5.  Description of how the proposed KPC will contribute to the mission of AHEAD and help improve practice around a specific professional area.  

    The Board of Directors Liaison to the KPC will present the proposal to the full Board for a vote on approval. The proposing members will be informed of the decision by the Liaison.