AHEAD Award Descriptions
Ronald E. Blosser Dedicated Service Award
The Ronald E. Blosser Dedicated Service Award is established to publicly honor individual members who have given extraordinarily outstanding and selfless dedication and service to the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) and whose service to AHEAD has consistently been of the utmost quality. The award is the highest recognition of service to the Association and one of AHEAD’s two highest honors.
AHEAD Honor for Meritorious Contribution
The AHEAD Honor for Meritorious Contribution on behalf of individuals with disabilities is to publicly honor individuals and groups whose vision, values, efforts and/or accomplishments have led to significant advances in access for people with disabilities. Such benefits or advances may relate to postsecondary education; if so, that should be articulated in the nomination. Recognizing vision, values, extraordinary efforts and accomplishments, this award is one of AHEAD’s two most prestigious awards.
Duraese Hall Excellence in Diversity & Inclusion Award
The Excellence in Diversity & Inclusion Award recognizes an AHEAD member or group of members who have promoted diversity within our profession and/or the place of work of the candidate(s). This award honors the legacy of Duraese Hall, a member of AHEAD who worked to diversify our membership and created dedicated opportunities for inclusion. This award not only recognizes the promotion of diversity in our profession, but of inclusion- the practice of welcoming these unique perspectives and valuing their inherent worth. Individuals nominated must be members of AHEAD or at least one member of a group nominated must be an AHEAD member.
AHEAD Professional Recognition Award
The AHEAD Professional Recognition Award recognizes outstanding achievement and contributions to Disability Resources by an AHEAD member. Any AHEAD member who has implemented an innovative idea or project, conducted research, or demonstrated outstanding dedication to the field is eligible to be nominated for recognition. This award distinguishes those AHEAD members who go the extra mile to affect change that results in increased access, improved services or evolving views of disability on their campuses.
AHEAD Partner Recognition Award
The AHEAD Partner Recognition Award was created to recognize outstanding contributions by individuals and groups external to AHEAD membership. These individuals and groups act directly or indirectly to benefit campus programs for students with disabilities. The award may recognize leaders in government, professionals, groups of professionals, a campus department, a research initiative or business effort.
Student Recognition Award
The AHEAD Student Recognition Award was established to recognize outstanding effort by an undergraduate or graduate student in representing disability identity or community on campus or by increasing campus access through advocacy or involvement . AHEAD hopes not only to recognize but also to encourage students to become involved in the issues of physical, technological, attitudinal and programmatic accessibility as well as disability