
Latest News

  • Save the date and Register on Zoom Thursday, February 20, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific AHEAD ...

  • We are excited to announce that Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) has introduced legislation to help college students with disabilities ...

  • Your opportunity to help renew the National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD) With a couple of easy ...

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  1. A community of over 5,000 professional colleagues
  2. Online connection to Knowledge & Practice Communities to communicate directly with colleagues around specific topics
  3. Significant discounts of all conferences, events & resources

Associated Partners

National Center for College Students with Disabilities

Think College National Coordinating Center

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Disability Consortium

Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring

ATHEN: Access Technology Higher Education Network

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