Areas of strategy: Professional Development, Membership, Knowledge Translation & Research, and Advocacy
Professional Development
Goal: Be the premier provider of professional development to those committed to equity for disabled people in postsecondary education.
Key Actions
- Provide holistic and accessible resources to professionals to advocate effectively for access and equity.
- Provide relevant, forward thinking learning opportunities for postsecondary education professionals.
- Provide professional development offerings designed to support professionals in all stages of their careers.
- Provide a career pipeline for individuals to enter and advance in the disability resources profession.
- Engage diverse identities to create, contribute, and present content.
Goal: Magnify AHEAD’s prominence and diversity through overall membership growth.
Key Actions
- Increase AHEAD’s membership by at least 3% per year.
- Increase the number of AHEAD members who represent Minority Serving Institutions by 10% by the end of 2026.
- Strengthen and solidify the relationship between AHEAD and our Affiliate organizations.
- Maximize the viability, visibility, and impact of AHEAD’s Knowledge and Practice Communities.
- Promote and encourage diverse representation within the AHEAD staff and Board that is reflective of the membership growth.
Knowledge Translation & Research
Goal: Serve as the hub of research excellence and knowledge translation regarding disability in postsecondary education.
Key Actions
- \Offer publications, resources, knowledge, and best practices grounded in civil rights and social justice principles
- Conduct relevant research about disability in postsecondary education and the professionals who work in that arena.
- Provide member reports and practice briefs advancing original and relevant research initiating from the field.
- Promote scholarship around postsecondary disability topics through the publication of the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability (JPED).
- Conduct voluntary data-collection to understand and support evolving AHEAD member demographics.
Goal: Position AHEAD as the public thought leader on disability in postsecondary education.
Key Actions
- Effectively influence institutional commitment to disabled students, employees, applicants, and visitors.
- Transform postsecondary education to be inclusive and equitable for its disabled community members.
- Interface with peer organizations to heighten the profile of disability inclusion.
- Work effectively with members and advocates to affect legislation, regulation, and funding impacting postsecondary education and disability.