AHEAD Bookstore

AHEAD sells a wide variety of publications that address issues directly related to higher education disability services. Books include those published directly by AHEAD and those of interest to AHEAD members from other publishers. Significant discounts are available to AHEAD members.  Members should login to the website before accessing the links below for the membership discount.

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Books for Sale

book cover for DISABLED Faculty & Staff: Intersecting Identities in Higher Education (Volume 2)
DISABLED Faculty & Staff: Intersecting Identities in Higher Education (Volume 2)
Edited by:  Mary Lee Vance , PhD & Elizabeth G. Harrison, PhD (2023)
Foreword by Haben Girma

In this second volume of DISABLED, coeditors Mary Lee Vance, PhD and Elizabeth G. Harrison, PhD have curated a collection of writings by 28 contributing authors who have provided personal narratives of what it is like to “work while disabled” in higher education. The authors, who represent an array of disabilities, identities, and nationalities, shine a light on the current state of accessibility and support for disabled faculty and staff in postsecondary careers. They establish their positionality by identifying their disability and other identities, illustrate how they’ve experienced the intersectionality or entangling of these identities in the context of work and daily life in higher education, and offer constructive suggestions and recommendations for how to make everyday life at their institution more equitable, inclusive, and accessible. The authors’ experiences clearly show that institutions must learn not only to identify, but also to oppose, ableism. The book also provides recommendations for how to use the contributors’ experiences to initiate campus conversations and classroom discussions toward building an anti-ableist environment, leveraging universal design, and the recognition that there is no diversity without disability.

AHEAD Member Pricing: $25.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $35.00


book cover for Laws, Policies, and Processes: Tools for Postsecondary Student Accommodation
Laws, Policies, and Processes: Tools for Postsecondary Student Accommodation 
Edited by:  Mary Lee Vance and Tom L. Thompson (2023)

This book is a Swiss Army Knife for disability professionals, including disability rights history, basic to advanced legal principles, direct advice to disability professionals, an eloquent presentation of the student perspective by Haben Girma, and tips for building a more inclusive academic environment. After years of presenting their highly popular and well-attended disability law trainings, Jamie Axelrod and Paul Grossman have put their legal guidance into writing, thoroughly covering legal concepts such as who is a “qualified student with a disability,” when a reasonable accommodation is “necessary,” and determining whether a requested or proposed accommodation is “reasonable” on its face. This is followed by a discussion of the “affirmative defenses,” including fundamental alteration, undue burden, and direct threat to health and safety, and when it is appropriate to assert these. This book is a must for college administrators, disability office professionals, ADA Coordinators, faculty, and anyone else who works with students with disabilities in higher education.

AHEAD Member Pricing: $45.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $55.00


book cover for Universal Design in Study Abroad: Creating Inclusive Educational Travel Opportunities for Students with Disabilities
Universal Design in Study Abroad
 Creating Inclusive Educational Travel Opportunities for Students with Disabilities
Edited by: Dr. Gina Oswald and Thomas P. Webb (2022)

Universal Design in Study Abroad: Creating Inclusive Educational Travel Opportunities for Students with Disabilities is the culmination of our collective experience and knowledge in universal design for learning, disability challenges and accommodations, and developing/co-leading fully accessible study abroad experiences. Our intention for the book is to increase international educational opportunities for all students through establishing a better understanding of proactive design measures and clear guidance on individualized accommodations. This book was developed to be particularly helpful to practitioners in international and accessibility/disability offices in higher education, faculty who may be designing or leading study abroad experiences for students with disabilities, students with disabilities and their advocates, vocational rehabilitation counselors for state and federal agencies, and college counselors and advisors. We recognize that invisible disabilities and limitations exist in individuals all around us and hope that, in the spirit of full inclusion and equity, this book will reach the broader audience of all study-abroad connected faculty and professionals.

AHEAD Member Pricing: $20.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $28.00


image of the book cover for Mathematics and Disabilities Handbook: Guide for Students with LD, ADHD, TBI and Wounded Warriors -- eBook (Academic Success Press, 2012) 
Mathematics and Disabilities Handbook: A Guide to Helping Students with SLD, ADHD,TBI, PTS, AS, LI, and ID -- eBook (Academic Success Press, 2022) 
By Paul Nolting, Ph.D. and Contributing Authors (2022)

The handbook is intended for directors of disabilities service and learning resource centers, department chairs, math instructors, counselors and deans, and persons who are teaching, tutoring, or advising students with disabilities. The handbook has the most up-to-date information on how disabilities affect math learning, additional disability areas, new educational accommodations, math study skills, new testing accommodations along with substitution processes. There are separate chapters for Disabilities Resource Offices and Math Department along with discussing COVID Impact and direct links to new resources, current OCR Letters, and Resolution Agreements. Just select the chapter(s) you want to read.The chapters are:

  • Introduction: A Knowledge Base for Understanding Disabilities
  • Determining the Existence of a Specific Learning Disability and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Determining the Existence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Effects on Math Learning
  • Determining the Existence of a Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Traumatic Stress, and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Autism Spectrum and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Language Impairments and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Intellectual Disability and the Effects on Math Learning
  • Improving Math Learning Strategies with Educational Accommodations Based on Processing Deficits
  • Math Testing Accommodations Based on Processing Deficits, Language Impairment, TBI, PTS, and Autism
  • Math Department and Learning Assistance Center Strategies
  • Disability Resource Office Improving Mathematics Success
  • Determining Appropriate Course Substitutions and Procedures
  • Landmark Office of Civil Rights Decisions, Course Substitution Cases, and Cases Studies for Student Accommodations

The handbook also has checklists for documentation, resource sheets on how the WAIS‐IV and WJ IV COG Cognitive Ability factors influence math achievement, and which factors are most significant to math learning and course substitutions. The Stages of Memory Sheets sheet explains how processing deficits affect math learning based and where learning may break down based on their disability. There is also a discussion about a possible math gene. Additionally, each chapter has reference Web sites. This digital copy can only be shared within your campus.

**eBook access information will be e-mailed or mailed to customers subsequent to credit card payment or PO.

AHEAD Member and Non-Member Price: $74.95


image of book cover for Becoming Self-Determined: Practical Strategies for a Changing World
Becoming Self-Determined: Practical Strategies for a Changing World
Edited by: Sharon Field, Ed.D. and David R. Parker, Ph.D. (2021)

In 2020, the whole world changed.  A global pandemic, deeply needed efforts to create greater social justice, and political unrest dominated headlines and each of our lives.  Higher education was required to profoundly restructure itself in response to these unprecedented events and to promote safety as the highest priority.  Remote learning became the norm overnight.  This transformation on college campuses continues, creating both challenges and opportunities for students and their families, faculty and staff. An emphasis on self-determination for students and all members of the higher education community is more important now than ever as we struggle to create a new system that is more responsive to key stakeholders’ needs.

This monograph provides practical self-determination strategies and timely resources for all students (including those with disabilities) that are specifically geared toward our new emphasis on remote instruction, social justice and succeeding while enduring collective stress. It builds on our earlier book, Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Based, Admissions-Frenzied Culture, which provides a more detailed overview and general strategies for helping college students be more autonomous and successful as they pursue their goals in personally meaningful ways.

AHEAD Member Pricing: $12.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $15.00


image of book cover for Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Driven, Admissions-Frenzied Culture
Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Driven, Admissions-Frenzied Culture
Edited by: Sharon Field, Ed.D. and David R. Parker, Ph.D. (Editors)

Although the current generation of U.S. undergraduates may have higher test scores, more A.P. credits, and longer lists of extracurricular activities than students at any other time in history, too many of these bright young people are coming to campus without a strong sense of who they are and what they want out of life. Becoming Self-Determined provides research-based but practical strategies that college administrators, faculty, learning center staff, counseling/student health clinicians, disability services staff, and residential life staff can use to help students gain more from their college education. It can also help stressed-out parents and students get off the treadmill and view challenges and supports in college as a meaningful part of an education for life.

AHEAD Member Pricing:  $31.00 - Now only $25
Non-Member Pricing:  $45.00 - Now only $32

image of the book cover for Winning at Math: Your Guide to Learning Mathematics Through Successful Study Skills
Winning at Math: Your Guide to Learning Mathematics Through Successful Study Skills (7th Edition)
By Paul Nolting, Ph.D., Learning Specialist (2024)

Winning at Math    Seventh Edition contains the same essential math study skills from the original Winning at Math text. In this edition, however, Dr. Nolting carefully edited the text from nine to six chapters with a third fewer pages to help make learning math easier and faster! Students still learn the essential materials and new materials supported by additional research to improve grades. This new edition is a perfect guidebook for math students to improve their grades.

AHEAD Member and Non-Member Price:  $32.50



image of the book cover for Interpreting Diagnostic Assessments for Adolescents and Adults with Learning Disabilities (Second Edition) by Janet Medina
Interpreting Diagnostic Assessments for Adolescents and Adults with Learning Disabilities (Second Edition)
By Janet Medina (2017)

Disability Services personnel often find themselves encountering a wide range of psycho-educational records submitted by students to document their learning disabilities. This updated “field guide” to diagnostic assessment explains the rationale and current state of LD evaluation, introduces you to each of the common evaluation tools and what they test, and outlines the principles behind assessment. The author, on the faculty of McDaniel College who has an extensive career in disability, clearly facilitates your understanding of the material presented and how it applies to your work.  Foundational information for those newer to the field, and a concise reference manual for seasoned professionals, this book is an essential for the DS bookshelf.

AHEAD Member Pricing:  $33.50 Now only $27
Non-Member Pricing:  $45.00 Now only $36


image of the book cover for Veterans with Disabilities: Promoting Success in Higher Education
Veterans with Disabilities: Promoting Success in Higher Education
By Tom Church (2009)

With an ever-growing population of disabled Veterans, Veterans with Disabilities: Promoting Success in Higher Education comes at a crucial time. From legal accommodations and employment opportunities, to an overview of major veteran support organizations and resources for further research, this manual provides crucial information for veterans and the professional communities who seek to promote their success in higher education. Chapters in this helpful resource include: (1) Relevant History of War and Energy, (2) Veterans' Policy/Organization Development and Employment Issues, (3) Injuries and Conditions, (4) Educational Issues, (5) Injury-Based Accommodation Strategies, and (6) Programs and Initiatives in Postsecondary Education. In addition, Church provides lists of useful resources for veterans and a guide for further research. (2009. Soft cover. 115 pp.)

AHEAD Member Pricing:   $15,00 Now only $12
Non-Member Pricing:  $25.00 Now only $20


Foundations in Disability Resources Series

book cover for Unpacking Professional Judgment: A Beginner’s Guide to Reflexivity in Higher Education Disability Resources
Unpacking Professional Judgment: A Beginner’s Guide to Reflexivity in Higher Education Disability Resources
By Morgan M. Thompson, Ph.D. and Jamilah McLaren, M.Ed. (2024)

In higher education, disability resource professionals make decisions that significantly shape disabled students’ experiences, from accommodation choices to collaboration with faculty and staff. These decisions, often influenced by personal biases, identities, and experiences, can have profound impacts on students’ access and inclusion. While professional judgment may evolve over time, it is essential to critically examine how individual positionality—shaped by personal and social factors—affects these choices.
This monograph offers a practical guide to reflexivity for disability resource professionals, providing a framework for understanding how personal experiences and identities influence decision-making. It explores how reflexive practices—such as self-scrutiny and awareness of one’s positionality—can lead to more equitable, socially-just practices in supporting disabled students. Through interactive chapters, reflection prompts, and tangible strategies, this book equips professionals with tools to integrate reflexivity into their daily work.
Whether supporting students, collaborating with faculty, or supervising staff, disability resource professionals can use this guide to enhance their practice, ensuring that their decisions are grounded in critical self-awareness and a commitment to inclusive, student-centered support. This resource aims to cultivate a new generation of professionals dedicated to advancing equity and access for disabled students through reflective and socially-conscious decision-making.
AHEAD Member Pricing: $25.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $35.00


book cover for From Transactional to Transformational: Coaching in Disability Resources
From Transactional to Transformational: Coaching in Disability Resources
Edited by: Christina Fabrey and Jodi Sleeper-Triplett (2023)

At a time when students with disabilities face increasing gaps in enrollment and completion, a coaching approach to disability resources can improve students’ potential to achieve academic success, personal health and wellbeing, and a sense of belonging. By integrating coaching practices into interactions, disability resource professionals can better support students in achieving their educational and career goals and transform lives by equipping them with skills to succeed and thrive.

Edited and authored by leaders in the field of neurodiversity and student coaching, this latest title in the AHEAD Monograph Series provides new and seasoned DR professionals an overview of coaching as an integral part of higher education services, as well as providing practical strategies, tools, resources, and case studies for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of coaching in their student interactions.

AHEAD Member Pricing: $18.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00


book cover for A Guide for Digital Assistive Technology Provision to Postsecondary Students
A Guide for Digital Assistive Technology Provision to Postsecondary Students
By Jane Vincent, AMLS (2021)

Digital technology is an omnipresent tool within all facets of modern postsecondary education. To compete alongside their peers, disabled students must be able to use this technology with comparable ease. They also need to have access to digital tools that enhance their skills in areas such as reading, notetaking, and time management, and to working environments with proper furniture and lighting.

This monograph discusses providing digital assistive technology (AT) for students with sensory, cognitive, physical, and multiple disabilities. You will learn legal, financial, and practical considerations to use when selecting AT for use on public computers, as well as how to provide evaluations and equipment to meet individual students’ needs, both in person and virtually. In addition, you will find information on cutting-edge trends in AT provision, plus an appendix listing resources for finding technology and connecting with others doing similar work.

Whether you are just starting to provide AT on your campus or managing an established service, this monograph will provide you with a wealth of support. With its guidance, you will be able to ensure your students can focus less on their accommodation needs and more on their unique and rewarding paths to academic success.

AHEAD Member Pricing: $18.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00


book cover for Operationalizing Our Commitment to Social Justice: A Guide for Disability Resources Professionals in Higher Education
Operationalizing Our Commitment to Social Justice: A Guide for Disability Resources Professionals in Higher Education 
By Amanda Kraus (2021)

I want to thank AHEAD and Amanda Kraus for this exceptional document. Institutions of higher education play a critical role in helping to educate not only students but our communities locally and globally.  While the rights of disabled people are slowly improving, true social justice will not be obtained without ramped up action that will help to empower those with disabilities but also inform larger communities in the changes that must be made to obtain true justice. Reading and implementing this document will provoke urgently needed discussions. The strengthening of knowledge benefits us all.

–Dr. Judith E. Heumann, International Disability Rights Activist


Disability services have a long history of equating needs with deficiencies and labeling them as special needs, which inadvertently replicates and promotes stereotypical thinking.  This new AHEAD publication by Dr. Amanda Kraus provides a clear and concise roadmap to rethinking our notions of disability and disabled people, embracing a disability justice perspective, and aligning this new thinking with our personal and professional practices.  This is a must-read book for all service providers, disabled consumers, parents, and higher education professionals.  Read and learn from one of the best!

–Dr. Sue Kroeger, University of Arizona

AHEAD Member Pricing: $18.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00


book cover for he Appointment that Can’t Wait: Serving College Students with Concussion in Disability Resources
The Appointment that Can’t Wait: Serving College Students with Concussion in Disability Resources
By Nancy Resendes Chinn, Ed.D. (2021)

Concussion affects over 3.6 million individuals each year, and can result in life-altering impairments if not managed effectively. While standardized efforts to address safe return-to-play for student-athletes are largely in place nationally, access to academic accommodations for successful return to academics following concussion remains lacking at many colleges and universities. 

This book, published by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), addresses the challenges facing students who sustain concussion during their collegiate experience, revealing the significant impact that cognitive, physical, and psychosocial challenges can have on learning and academic success. Dr. Chinn provides in-depth focus on understanding the culture of sport, as well as issues related to the student-veteran and concussion. Guidance is provided to Disability Resource professionals on meeting the needs of the college student with concussion, with emphasis on how partnering with Student Health Services and Athletics programs can best meet the complex needs of college students with concussion. This monograph includes a review of the literature and distillation of best practices combined with the powerful voices of those who have navigated concussion as college students.

AHEAD Member Pricing: $18.00  
Non-Member Pricing: $25.00
