AHEAD values a multiplicity of perspectives and worldviews and believes that increased diversity enhances our professional organization. AHEAD is committed to equity, inclusion, and access, and works intentionally to represent diversity across the organization and support professional development and practice that is congruent with these values.
AHEAD strives to create inclusive and accessible experiences across the organization, including governance, events, and activities. To this end, we commit to:
- Designing accessible and inclusive events, fully accessible web-based materials, and accessible online courses
- Inviting and working to include diverse perspectives on all leadership groups and committees
- Providing resources and professional development opportunities to increase the capacity of our membership to design inclusive environments and services, disrupt ableism and create more socially justice campus environments
- Providing gender-inclusive restrooms and offering the opportunity for participants to select and include preferred pronouns on name badges at the annual conference
- Presenting the Excellence in Diversity & Inclusion Award annually to members who have promoted diversity and inclusion within our profession and/or their workplace
- Supporting both formal meetings and informal social gatherings for identity-based groups
- Continuing to expand our understanding of what it means to be a diverse and inclusive organization
Get Involved
Want to help create a more diverse and inclusive organization and profession? Here are some ways you can get involved.
- Join the Diversity and Inclusion Stakeholder Group and be a part of the conversation about diversity and inclusion in our organization and on our campuses.
- Join a KPC (Knowledge & Practice Community). Several of AHEAD’s KPCs—such as the Racial and Ethnic Diversity and Disability (REDD) the LGBTQA, and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing KPCs—focus on inclusion of and offer opportunities for connection among people of specific identities. Explore these and other KPCs on AHEAD’s KPCs page.
- Share your experiences and ideas. We are an organization that values learning and wants to continue to improve in terms of creating an inclusive organization and inclusive opportunities. If you have suggestions for how we can improve in these efforts, feel free to post them in the Diversity and Inclusion Community or share them privately by email with Mary Lee Vance, Equity Officer, Sacramento State University, maryleevance@aol.com. You are also invited to share your concerns and ideas with members of the AHEAD Board of Directors.
Official Statements Regarding Diversity and Inclusion