
Throughout the year, AHEAD offers a variety of webinars to bring professional development information directly to your campus at an affordable cost. Webinars are recorded and, unlike most of AHEAD’s other trainings, a single registration may be shared with all campus colleagues, making them an affordable way to provide professional development to those at all levels of expertise.


  • Each spring and fall, AHEAD offers a comprehensive webinar series that covers a variety of topics important to providing access to higher education for students with disabilities, with topics ranging from disability studies to technology to campus leadership to working with students, these offer practical guidance and insight from some of the nation’s leaders and experts.
  • Limited webinar series are offered occasionally to provide a deep dive into a particular topic, and are sold separately from the Fall and Spring Webinar Series.
  • Free-to-AHEAD-members webinars are offered regularly, and feature topics and content that AHEAD members may find valuable, such as that offered by the Knowledge and Practice Communities, AHEAD research partners, or AHEAD staff.
  • Sponsored webinar recordings are provided free by vendors who wish to demonstrate their products to higher education disability professionals.