JPED Volume 27 - Issue 1: Table of Contents

JPED Volume 27, 2014 Issue 1: Table of Contents

From the Editor by David R. Parker

College Students with ADHD at Greater Risk for Sleep Disorders by Jane F. Gaultney

Self-Report Assessment of Executive Functioning in College Students with Disabilities by Adam Grieve, Lisa Webne-Behrman, Ryan Couillou, Jill Sieben-Schneider

Coaching and College Success by Erica Lynn Richman, Kristen N. Rademacher, Theresa Laurie Maitland

Assessing Metacognition as a Learning Outcome in a Postsecondary Strategic Learning Course by Patricia Mytkowicz, Diane Goss, Bruce Steinberg

Using the College Infrastructure to Support Students on the Autism Spectrum by Susan E. Longtin

(dis)Ability and Postsecondary Education: One Woman’s Experience by Melissa Myers, Judy E. MacDonald, Sarah Jacquard, Matthew Mcneil

An Initial Investigation into the Role of Stereotype Threat in the Test Performance of College Students with Learning Disabilities by Alison L. May, C. Addison Stone

BOOK REVIEW: by Susan E. Longtin