The members of the Capital Area Association on Higher Education and Disability (C-AHEAD) welcome you to our AHEAD website. We invite you to learn more about us and encourage you to contact any member of the C-AHEAD Executive Board if you would like more information or if you have input that would make our site more helpful to you.
The Capital Area Association on Higher Education and Disability (C-AHEAD) began in 1978 as a local network of coordinators of disability support services. The C-AHEAD membership now includes representatives from colleges and universities in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, as well as from national and community organizations. Through their activities, these members promote the full participation of students with disabilities in higher education.
- To provide members with opportunities for professional development
- To promote equal access for students with disabilities in higher education
- To share information and resources through a network of postsecondary institutions and organizations
- To monitor current legislation affecting disability issues
- To provide service-related activities such as support groups, special program development, and information about technical issues
- To distribute a membership directory and calendar of events