The name of this organization shall be the Capital Area AHEAD.
For the purposes of this constitution, the term disability means, with respect to an individual, a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such an individual; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment.
The purpose of the Capital Area AHEAD shall be to:
- Provide members with opportunities for professional development.
- Promote equal access for students with disabilities in higher education.
- Share information and resources through a network of postsecondary institutions and organizations.
- Monitor current legislation affecting disability issues
- Provide service related activities such as support groups, special program development, and technical assistance.
Section 1. The Capital Area AHEAD shall have three classifications of membership: Institutional/Professional, Partner (for profit and not-for-profit) and Individual.
Section 2. An Institutional/Professional Member shall be any individual who is primarily employed by an institution of higher education or whose primary focus of work in their professional capacity involves working to enhance higher education opportunities and access for persons with disabilities. A Full Professional Member is entitled to one (1) vote, and is eligible to hold office
Section 3. A Partner Member shall be any for-profit or not-for-profit organization who, by nature of their product/service or mission, is directly or indirectly involved with issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education. Represented by up to two individuals from the organization who are not eligible to vote or hold office, but are eligible for all member benefits.
Section 4. An Individual Member shall be any individual who is not primarily employed by an institution of higher education, but who has interest in, or is professionally active in working to promote, the full participation of students with disabilities in higher education. Individual Members are not eligible to vote or hold office, but are eligible for all member benefits.
Section 5. Membership renewal notices will be sent out on or about April 1st. Applications with payment will be due by July 1st Membership dues will be accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the membership year.
These changes will be effective as of October 1, 2010 and will be exclusive of currently serving board members until their term is completed
Section 1. Officers and Terms of Office
- The Board of the Capital Area AHEAD shall consist of the following officers: the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) Board Members At-Large. Two of the Board Members At-Large will be appointed from MDDHEN and VA AHEAD. Each officer shall hold office for two consecutive terms or until their successors are determined.
- The term of office for any elected officer shall be for a period of two years and shall begin July 1.
- The officers of the Capital Area AHEAD shall form the Executive Board.
- In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board, the remaining members of the Board shall designate the replacement(s) subject to an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the voting members attending the next regularly scheduled Capital Area AHEAD meeting or via email or online voting.
Section 2. Duties of Officers
- The president shall preside at all meetings of the Capital Area AHEAD and perform other such duties as pertain to that office. The president shall be the Chairperson of the Executive Board. He/She shall appoint one member of the Executive Board member to serve as President-Elect. The president shall appoint one member of the Executive Board to serve as the Treasurer and one as the Secretary, assign duties to three (3) At-Large Members of the Executive Board as needed to carry out the work of the Capital Area AHEAD (e.g., membership and special events), and he may appoint Capital Area AHEAD members to direct activities consistent with the purpose of the Capital Area AHEAD as stated in the Constitution (e.g., information sharing, monitoring legislation). The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, makes all aforementioned appointments of Officers and Capital Area AHEAD members.
- The treasurer shall be responsible for receiving all monies of the Capital Area AHEAD under policies approved by the Executive Board. He/she shall keep adequate and appropriate records of such receipts and disbursements. The treasurer shall perform the duties customary to the office and such additional as may be directed by the Capital Area AHEAD. He/She shall report on the financials twice per school year to the general membership through email and during one meeting a year where a state of the organization is reported and when an Executive board member requests a report during board meeting. The treasurer shall submit an annual written report to the Capital Area AHEAD membership at the end of the fiscal year.
- The secretary shall be the recording officer of the Capital Area AHEAD and of the Executive Board and serve as custodian of all records except such as is specifically assigned to others. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to send out copies of the minutes and proper notices of all called membership meetings to the Executive Board.
- At-Large Members of the Executive Board are to carry out the work of the Capital Area AHEAD (e.g., membership and special events).
Section 3. Executive Board
- The Executive Board shall have full authority to conduct the affairs of the Capital Area AHEAD during the interim period between meetings. Such authority must remain within the 2 provisions of this constitution and not conflict with decisions, actions, or policies established by the Capital Area AHEAD. If necessary a majority vote of the Executive Board shall be the deciding matter.
- The Executive Board shall be comprised of eight (8) elected officers.
Section 1. Appointment of committees:
The president shall name such standing and ad hoc committees as may be needed to conduct the business of the Capital Area AHEAD. Such committees shall operate within the purposes and philosophy of the Capital Area AHEAD and shall be specifically charged. Ad hoc committees, in addition, shall be automatically dismissed upon completion of their tasks.
Section 1. Nomination procedures:
Each year, the Executive Board will send out a call for nomination to members by April 30th. The Election Board will be held no later than May 15th. The Executive Board will notify and appoint all newly elected members by May 30th. Any member of the Capital Area AHEAD shall make nominations to this committee but only voting members are eligible to hold office. The nominees shall be contacted by the committee to verify their acceptance of the nomination. Members will be emailed notification of the slate of candidates by May 8.
Section 2. Election Process:
the nomination and election shall be conducted by email or web ballot. Ballots shall be emailed by May 15 and submitted for return before the June meeting of the Capital Area AHEAD enabling the newly elected officers to assume office July 1. Voting members will each cast three votes, electing three new members to the board annually. The three candidates receiving the largest number of votes will be named the new members of the Executive Board. The nomination and election committee will be responsible for the tallying of the election votes.
Section 3. Election Procedures:
The nomination and election committee shall be responsible for establishing the election procedures within the guidelines of the constitution and subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 1. Quorum
- Quorum in the board should consist of two-thirds to be considered a quorum
Section 2. Frequency
- Executive Board should have a minimum of four board meetings per year.
- One meeting a year shall be considered the Annual Meeting where a report will be given by the President on the state of the organization.
Section 1. Dues shall be assessed and collected in such amount and in such manner as may be prescribed by the by-laws. Any change in the dues of the Capital Area AHEAD may be deemed necessary by a unanimous vote of the board after careful consideration of all potential expenses and any other relevant issues.
Section 2. Notices for dues shall first be sent out by April 1st. A second notice will be sent out around May 15th. After July 1, The Executive Board will decide informally how they want to contact individuals who have not renewed on their intent. Dues will be due July 1.
Section 3. Persons will be enrolled as members and afforded all benefits of membership when payment of dues is received.
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Capital Area AHEAD shall be from July 1 through June 30.
Section 2. Income shall be derived from membership dues and such other sources as the Executive Board may approve.
Section 3. No part of the net earnings of the Capital Area AHEAD shall inure to the benefit of any member, officer, sponsor or private individual. This shall not prevent payment of responsible compensation for services rendered to or for the Capital Area AHEAD in effecting its purpose.
Section 4. Income shall be used to further the purposes of the Capital Area AHEAD as stated in Article III in a manner prescribed by the Executive Board.
Section 5. Upon dissolution of the Capital Area AHEAD all assets shall be distributed to such organizations which qualify under Section 501 (c ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any successor provision thereto.
Section 6. The books of the Capital Area AHEAD shall be audited at the conclusion of each of the Capital Area AHEAD’s fiscal years in a manner prescribed by the Executive Board.
Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall be the parliamentary reference for proceedings of the Capital Area AHEAD unless otherwise specified in the Constitution.
Section 2. Parliamentarian: The president may appoint a parliamentarian for all voting meetings of the Capital Area AHEAD.
This constitution may be amended at a duly called meeting of the Capital Area AHEAD whereby an affirmative vote is cast by either two-thirds of the voting members present or via email or web ballot. A notice to amend the constitution must be given to the membership at least two weeks previous to the duly called meeting where the amendment(s) will be discussed and voted upon.
As amended: July, 1980; December, 1981; February, 1982; April, 1994; January, 1999; October, 2003; October 2007; March 2011; July 2011