Illinois/Iowa AHEAD Bylaws



AHEAD is an international, multicultural organization of professionals committed to full participation in higher education for persons with disabilities. The Illinois/Iowa Chapter and the Association are vital resources promoting excellence through education, communication and training.


The name of this organization shall be the Illinois / Iowa Chapter of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (ILLOWAAHEAD).


The Illinois/Iowa AHEAD, or ILLOWA AHEAD, Chapter is a resource for Post-Secondary Disability Professionals. Our Mission is to provide a vehicle which will strengthen the professionalism, expertise, and competency of those working in higher education with students with disabilities.


The Illinois / Iowa Chapter of The Association on Higher Education and Disability (hereafter referred to as the Chapter) is created as a volunteer professional organization directed by an Executive Board. Furthermore, the Executive Board will be composed of elected officers and Board members whose responsibility will be to carry out the mission of the Chapter through policy formation, the execution of fiduciary responsibility, and maintenance and growth of the organization


SECTION 1. The purpose of the Chapter shall be to serve as an organization providing education and professional development, and to:

  1. Serve as a source of expertise for information on: disability awareness, legislation, rights, and any other related information as it relates to higher education by:
    1. Providing assistance to members on topical information, current issues and needed resources.
    2. Providing information collection and dissemination through newsletters, workshops, regional conferences, research, program assistance, evaluation and assessment and training programs.
  2. Provide a vehicle which will strengthen the professionalism, expertise and competency of those working in higher education with students with disabilities through encouraging the development and expansion of a regional communications network for disability service providers.


SECTION 1. Membership shall be open and available to any interested person according to dues categories and rates as established by the Executive Board.

Full Professional
A Full Professional Member shall be any individual who is primarily employed by an institution of higher education or whose primary focus of work in their professional capacity involves working to enhance higher education opportunities and access for persons with disabilities. A Full Professional Member is entitled to one (1) vote, and is eligible to hold office.

This level of membership allows up to four individuals from an institution to be members of the organization. Each of the four individuals is entitled to one (1) vote in the organization. Additional members from that institution may be added at an additional cost. (Note: For institutions that are dictated by districts and have multiple schools, an institutional membership can be for the employees of the district or can be for each individual school. Institutional memberships are intended to be flexible.)

Student Membership is designed solely for individuals whose primary involvement with higher education is that of currently being enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate program that prepares students for professional work that would enhance postsecondary opportunities and access for persons with disabilities. A Student Member is not entitled to vote or hold office.

Additional Professional
An Institutional Member may appoint additional eligible individuals to Full Professional Membership in the Association at a reduced rate. Additional Professional Members are entitled to one (1) vote, and are eligible to hold office.

Pre-professional Membership is designed solely for individuals whose primary involvement with higher education is that of currently being enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate program that prepares students for professional work that would enhance postsecondary opportunities and access for persons with disabilities. A Pre-professional Member is not entitled to vote or hold office.

An Emeritus Member shall be any former Active Professional member, designated Institutional or Additional Professional AHEAD member who is currently retired and not employed on a full-time basis. This member is entitled to one (1) vote and is eligible to hold office.

A Partner Member shall be any for-profit or not-for-profit organization who, by nature of their product/service or mission, is directly or indirectly involved with issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education. Represented by up to two individuals from the organization who are not eligible to vote or hold office, but are eligible for all member benefits as outlined on the membership benefits section of this site.

An Associate Member shall be any individual who is not primarily employed by an institution of higher education, but who has interest in, or is professionally active in working to promote, the full participation of students with disabilities in higher education. Associate Members are not eligible to vote or hold office, but are eligible for all member benefits as outlined on the membership benefits section of this site.

Membership in ILLOWA AHEAD is on an annual basis following the fiscal year, July 1 to June 31, with all memberships expiring on the last day of June each year.  A two year membership may be made available to members.

Any member that submits registration in the last quarter of the membership year will be considered a member for the following membership year.


SECTION 1. Meetings of the Chapter Executive Board shall take place at least annually. Other meetings shall be called at the discretion of the President.

SECTION 2. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the membership unless closed by majority vote to enter Executive Session.

SECTION 3. A business meeting of the Chapter will take place for the purpose of reporting financial information and other information to the membership.

  1. A quorum at such meeting will be represented by those in attendance.
  2. Decision on any votes taken during this meeting will be represented by a plurality of the votes.

SECTION 4. Any action of the Executive Board may be authorized with the unanimous affirmative vote or approval in a manner acceptable by all of the members of the Executive Board. Any such action shall be filed with or entered upon the records of the Chapter.

  1. Minutes will be taken at each meeting and made available to members of the Board.
  2. Executive Board members shall be in good standing with the Chapter.


SECTION 1. The executive authority of the Chapter shall be vested in the Board which shall be comprised of Officers and Board Members empowered to do all things permitted by law.

SECTION 2. The Executive Board of the Chapter shall be comprised of the Officers and elected Board Members of the Chapter.

  1. The Executive Board shall have full authority to conduct the affairs of the Chapter between meetings of the Executive Board.
  2. Such authority must remain within the provisions of these By-Laws and be consistent with the By-Laws and policies established by the Chapter.

SECTION 3. Executive Board Members. The Officers of the Chapter shall be the President,
President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past President, and (3) elected Board members.

A. Duties:

  1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter Board and shall, with Board Approval, appoint the chairpersons of all committee unless otherwise stipulated. The President shall vote only when necessary to break a tie in a Board decision. The President shall become the Immediate Past President upon the completion of his/her term of office.
  2. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall act in the absence of the President and shall assume said duties in the event the President is unable to fulfill his/her elected term. In such case, the President-Elect will serve the remainder of the term as President and then serve the subsequent term as President. The President-Elect shall ensure that appropriate reasonable accommodations are available at all meetings, shall act as a member of the By-Laws committee, and serve as the Chairperson of the Program Committee. The President-Elect shall become the President upon the completion of his/her term.
  3. Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past president shall act on the absence of the President and President Elect, chair the Nominations Committee for the Executive Committee, and assume responsibility for Board orientation/training.
  4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the management and reporting of its financial records and policies. The Treasurer will monitor the financial status of the Chapter by reviewing scheduled income and expense reports as well as coordinate the preparation of financial statements. The Treasurer will ensure the preparation of the budget and supervise a financial report for presentation to the membership at the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio member of any committee where financial oversight and consultation are appropriate.
  5. Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the meetings of the Board and other meetings as directed by the President. The Secretary shall distribute minutes of the meetings to the Board in a timely fashion. The secretary shall be responsible for maintaining all correspondence.
  6. Board Members. Board members shall serve as voting members of the board.

SECTION 4. Nominations and elections of Officers and Board Members shall take place
annually in accordance with procedures developed by the Nominations Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President and approved by the Executive Board

SECTION 5. All Officers and Board Members shall be elected at-large from the active and
eligible voting members of the Chapter. Candidates must currently be active members of the Chapter.

SECTION 6. The Executive Board shall be elected by plurality vote of the members of the Chapter eligible and voting in an election for such purposes. Elections of Executive Board members shall occur in the spring.


  1. The term of office of President, President-Elect and Immediate Past President shall each be for a period of one year, and at the completion of the said year, the President-Elect shall become President of the Chapter, and The President shall become Immediate Past President.
  2. The Treasurer shall be elected to serve a two-year term of office; the second year of service is contingent upon the submission and acceptance of a clear audit by the Executive Board.
  3. The Secretary shall be elected to serve a one year term of office.
  4. Board Members shall be elected to two-year terms, except that in the initial election, one Board member shall be elected for a one-year term with the right of succession and two Board members shall be elected to two-year terms without the right of succession.
  5. All vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board, with the exception of President and President-Elect. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of President without prejudice to the ensuing term of office. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, the Immediate Past President shall assume the duties of the President-Elect, until such time as nominations and election can occur.

SECTION 8. Terms of office for Executive Board members shall begin on July I, in the same year following election.

SECTION 9. Executive Board Members shall be and must remain active, voting members of the Chapter while holding office.

SECTION 10. Any Executive Board Member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President or the full Executive Board. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein or, if no time is specified, at the time of acceptance by the President.

SECTION 11. Attendance at meetings of the Board is expected. Any member of the Executive Board who is unable to attend a meeting shall give notice to the President or Secretary, stating the reason for his/her absence. Any Executive Board Member who is absent, without acceptable excuse, from two consecutive regular meetings or three nonconsecutive regular meetings of the Board during a single term shall automatically vacate his/her position on the Board. The President shall appoint, with approval of the Board, a replacement to fulfill the Member's ' remaining term.

SECTION 12. No Executive Board Member shall serve for compensation but may be reimbursed for actual, reasonable expenses incurred on official Chapter business.


SECTION 1. The Board shall be responsible for maintaining the fiscal integrity of the Chapter.

SECTION 2. Income shall be derived from sources consistent with the purpose and mission of the Chapter, as contained in Article III of this document.

SECTION 3. The fiscal year shall be July 1 -June 30.

SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall serve as the financial officer of the Chapter.


SECTION 1. The Chapter, at the direction of the President with concurrence of the Board, shall establish, maintain and dissolve such standing and special (i.e. task force and Ad Hoc)
Committees as may be needed to conduct its business and activities. Chairs of each Committee will be selected and appointed by the President, with Board approval, and will be expected to report to the Board.

SECTION 2. Standing Committees will exist at the pleasure of the Board.

SECTION 3. Special committees will be specifically charged and dismissed upon task completion.


SECTION 1. No Executive Board Member shall deliberately use his or her position, or the knowledge gained there from, in such a manner that a conflict between the interest of the Chapter and his or her personal interests arises.

SECTION 2. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit or in any way limit the ability of the Chapter to retain, as employees, trainers or instructors, persons who are paid whole or in part by grants or other funding programs accepted by the chapter. However, no Executive Board Member being considered for such position, may debate, discuss or otherwise participate in the approval process for any such grants or funding program.


SECTION 1. Elected Officers and Board Members may be removed from the Board, with or
without cause, by a two-thirds majority of the members voting by a manner consistent with that established for election of Executive Board Members.


SECTION 1. The By-Laws shall be the sole authority for the Chapter and shall supersede all other governing documents.


SECTION 1. In the event of the dissolution of the chapter, all funds in the treasury will be donated to AHEAD with the stipulation that they will be used in the support of regional chapters.


SECTION 1. The most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all proceedings of the Chapter whenever it does not conflict with these By-Laws.

SECTION 2. The Past -President shall serve as parliamentarian for all meetings of the Chapter. 


SECTION 1. Amendments to the By-laws pertaining to structure, purpose and executive authority may be initiated only by members of the Executive Board.

  1. Upon approval of two-thirds of the Executive Board, the amendment shall be made available to the entire membership for vote.
  2. Members shall be given 30-days notice of a pending vote.
  3. Upon two-thirds approval of those voting, the amendment shall become part of these By-Laws.

SECTION 2. Amendments to the By-laws pertaining to matters other than those listed above ' may be initiated by any active voting member upon written presentation to the Executive Board.

  1. Upon approval by a majority of the Executive Board at a regular meeting, the amendment shall become part of the By-laws.

SECTION 3. The Executive Board may make amendments to the By-laws not requiring approval of the membership upon a majority vote at any meeting constituting a quorum.


SECTION 1. The records of the Chapter shall be held by the Secretary and shall be updated annually by the Executive Board.