MN AHEAD provides support and education to professionals working with secondary and post-secondary students with disabilities. Members network through the Annual Spring Conference, monthly meetings on current disability issues/agencies/technology, and electronic communications. MN AHEAD welcomes new members and encourages their participation. Our members are from various regions of Minnesota. All of them work in some capacity with adults with disabilities at a variety of locations including:
- Universities
- Private 4-year colleges
- Community colleges
- Technical colleges
- DRS offices
- Community or state agencies serving adults with disabilities
- Public school transition programs
- Private diagnostic services
- State Department of Education
Member job titles include:
- Disability Services Coordinators
- ADA Coordinators
- Program Coordinators
- Learning Center staff members
- Higher Education Administrators
- Transition Counselors
- DRS Counselors
- Private Practitioners
The Minnesota Association of Higher Education and Disability is an organization of professionals committed to full participation in higher education for persons with disabilities. The organization is dedicated to serving as a resource in promoting excellence through networking among professionals, dissemination of information, and providing or promoting professional development opportunities.