Nevada AHEAD Bylaws



The name of this organization is the Nevada Association on Higher Education And Disability (Nevada AHEAD). Nevada AHEAD was established in 2016. Nevada AHEAD is an affiliate of the International Association on Higher Education and Disability. Nevada AHEAD (hereafter known as the Affiliate) shall educate, train and communicate with professionals of various educational and rehabilitation agencies serving students with disabilities attending any public or private post-secondary institution in the State of Nevada. Nevada AHEAD does not discriminate against any individual with regard to race ethnicity, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other constitutionally or statutorily impermissible reason. This policy extends to all programs and activities supported by Nevada AHEAD.


The purpose of the Affiliate shall be to serve as a non-profit organization providing expertise, information, and education on disability issues, rights of persons with disabilities, educational and professional development opportunities to higher education disability service providers and other professionals/interested parties, promoting coordination between agencies, associations and organizations for the purpose of promoting opportunity and advocacy for college and university students with disabilities and supporting legislation that benefits higher education and students with disabilities.


Nevada AHEAD (hereafter referred to as the Affiliate) is created as a volunteer professional organization directed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will be composed of elected officers whose responsibility will be to carry out the mission of the Affiliate through policy formation, the execution of fiduciary responsibility, and maintenance and growth of the organization.



Membership shall be open and available to any interested person according to membership and dues categories as established by the Board of Directors and contained in the bylaws with rights and responsibilities contained therein.


Membership levels

  • Institutional Membership - Higher Education: Directors/Coordinators/Counselors/Staff of Disability Services at 2 and 4 year public and private colleges and universities. This membership level is eligible to hold office and has full voting privileges. This membership is transferable to another staff member at the same institution if there is a change of staff during the membership year as long as the original membership was paid for by the institution.
  • Professional - Higher Education Other: Directors/Coordinators/Counselors/Staff of Disability Services at 2 and 4 year public and private colleges and universities. In addition, Directors/Coordinators/Counselors/Case Managers of other agencies/professional organizations providing services to and promoting access or advocating for post-secondary students with disabilities can also serve as professional members This membership level is eligible to hold office and has full voting privileges. This membership is not transferable unless upgraded to the institutional level (higher education only).
  • Associate: Former professional members, administrative/support staff at any agency/professional organization/post-secondary institution, advocates or family members of students with disabilities. This membership level is not transferable, not eligible to hold office and has no voting privileges.
  • Emeritus Professional: Individual retired from positions in higher education who were previous members of Nevada AHEAD. This membership level is not transferrable, not eligible to hold office and has no voting privileges.
  • Student: Individuals enrolled as full-time students in an undergraduate or graduate program at an institution of higher learning. This membership level is not transferable, not eligible to hold office and has no voting privileges.


The membership/dues year shall run from January 1 - December 31.



Executive Authority shall be vested in the Board of Directors, composed of elected Officers. The Board of Directors is empowered to do all things permitted by law and to exercise all authority within the purposes stated in the by-laws contained herein.


The officers of the Affiliate shall be the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past-President, Director of Membership/Communication, and Director-at-Large.


All officers shall be elected at-large from the active and eligible voting members of the Affiliate by a date set by the Board of Directors.


The term of office for the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past-President shall be for a period of one (1) year. The term of office for the Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Membership/Communication and Director-at-Large shall be for a period of two (2) years. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President without prejudice to the ensuing term of office. All other mid-term vacancies shall be filled by presidential appointment and approved by a majority of the officers.


The terms of all officers will begin June 1 of the year following election.


The officers shall have full authority to conduct the affairs of the Affiliate between meetings of the Board of Directors.


Such authority must remain within the provisions of and not conflict with the bylaws, decisions, actions or policies established by the Affiliate.


Nomination and elections of Officers will be in accordance with procedures established by the Board of Directors.



Officers: The Officers of the Association shall be the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director of Membership/Communications.


The President is responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the Affiliate. Upon completion of a one year term, the President will assume the position of Immediate Past-President.

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Attend, open and call to order all general and Board of Director meetings
  • Establish agenda and announce the business before the assembly
  • Establish and oversee committees deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the association
  • Serve as official liaison to AHEAD and other organizations or appoint a designee
  • Ensure adherence of the Affiliate to the Affiliate Bylaws as set forth by the membership
  • Complete a year-end report for the Board and general membership
  • Ensure continuation of insurance in all categories of coverage
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Perform any other duties assigned by the Bylaws or membership-at-large


In the absence of the President, the President-Elect takes the chair and follows the same list of duties as the President. The following year, the President-Elect assumes the duties of President. Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • The President- Elect shall solicit nominations for the slate of officers and Board members to be elected at the Fall business meeting
  • In the absence of the President, assume the duties of that office
  • Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Perform any duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors, or membership-at-large


In the absence of the President and President-Elect, the Immediate Past President assumes the duties of President. The Immediate Past President provides support and guidance to the President and the Board of Directors.

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Organize and oversee the annual election of officers according to the Affiliate Bylaws
  • Act as Parliamentarian of the Affiliate
  • Act as Affiliate Historian
  • Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Perform any duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors, or membership-at-large

The Immediate Past President leads the Board of Directors through the process of planning and facilitating the annual conferences.

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Serve as primary point of contact with conference location hosts
  • Coordinate logistics for event hosting, catering, and other conference related services
  • Ensure conference registration, evaluation, and other related information is being fully considered within the conference planning process
  • Engage the Nevada AHEAD Board of Directors in the process of conference planning
  • Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Perform any duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors, or membership-at-large


The Secretary is the recording officer of the Affiliate.

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Take written minutes of Board/membership meetings and Board working retreats.
  • Prepare meeting minutes for review and revision no later than 3 weeks following the meeting
  • Submit revised minutes to Board at next monthly tele-meeting for approval
  • Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Submit approved minutes for posting to the Affiliate website
  • Confirm timely posting of minutes to website one week after submission
  • Prepare and communicate Affiliate documents for any required state or federal filings
  • Perform any duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors, or membership-at-large


The Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the Affiliate and has a modified end of term – Jan. 1

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Establish Nevada AHEAD banking accounts and pay liabilities
  • Transfer funds between Nevada AHEAD accounts to meet obligations, at the direction of the Board of Directors
  • Utilize accounting methodologies agreed upon by the Board of Directors
  • Provide updates on the approved budget to the Board of Directors twice per year, in conjunction with conference planning and facilitation
  • Prepare end-of-year budget summary of assets, income and expenditures no later than the February following the close of the previous fiscal year
  • Prepare or assist in the preparation of regulatory filings
  • Provide reports to auditors
  • Ensure documentation of speakers to include name, SSN, and address for completion of 1099 forms; mail forms by January 31.
  • Maintain all receipts and payment records (travel requests, reimbursement forms, etc.).
  • Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Perform any duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors, or membership-at-large


The Director of Membership/Communications provides the board with general membership information.

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Recruit members across the state
  • Maintain membership database
  • Receive and respond/assign response to member/prospective member/outside inquiries
  • Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Perform any duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors, or membership-at-large

In the role of Communications, the elected Director provides support for the Nevada AHEAD website and maintains the Nevada AHEAD listserv.

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Maintain and update Nevada AHEAD website
  • Maintain Nevada AHEAD member listserv and respond to Nevada AHEAD email
  • Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings
  • Attend annual conferences in their entirety
  • Perform any duties assigned by the President, Board of Directors, or membership-at-large



The Board of Directors shall be responsible for maintaining the fiscal integrity of the Affiliate and for ensuring financial stability and growth.


Income shall be derived from sources consistent with the purpose and mission of the Affiliate.


The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31.


The Treasurer will serve as the chief financial officer of the Affiliate.


Affiliate funds shall be invested in instruments which are insured and/or are of a type and level of risk approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall review periodically the types of instruments and the level of risk allowed for investments.


The financial and accounting records of the Affiliate will be compiled into a summary report at the close of the fiscal year in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors.


All financial transactions, fees and references made thereto will be in U.S. funds.



The Affiliate President, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, shall establish, maintain, and dissolve such Standing and AD hoc Committees as may be needed to conduct its business and activities. Chairs of each committee will be selected and appointed by the President.


Chairs of Standing and AD hoc Committees may be expected to attend Board meetings and report on activities of their respective committees. Committee chairs function in an adjunct and advisory manner to the board and do not have voting privileges on Board matters.



An elected officer may be impeached by the Board of Directors for actions that are seriously negligent, fraudulent, illegal, and/or unethical within the duties of the respective office.


Impeachment procedures will be delineated in the Board Policy and Procedure Manual.


The most current edition of Robert's Rule of Order shall be the Parliamentary guidelines for proceedings of the Affiliate whenever it does not conflict with Constitution and /or these bylaws.



Amendments or other changes in these bylaws may be initiated in the following ways:

  • The President may propose amendments.
  • The Board of Directors may propose amendments.
  • Any active voting member may submit, in writing, a proposed amendment to the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors will consider the proposed amendment(s) upon approval of a simple majority of the Board of Directors; the amendment shall be made available to the entire membership for vote.


Upon two-thirds approval of those voting from the general membership the amendment shall become part of these bylaws.