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AHEAD Research Review Panel Call for Applications

By AHEAD posted 10-27-2023 04:31:32 PM


Application deadline is Friday November 10, 2023

Do you have knowledge and expertise related to conducting research? Are you looking for a new way to connect with AHEAD activities and work? We are currently accepting applications from members who are interested in serving on the AHEAD Research Review Panel. More information is provided below. Feel free to reach out if you have questions!

AHEAD’s Research Review Panel Call for Applications

AHEAD is pleased to support research that is consistent with the mission and values of the organization. When a researcher seeks the opportunity to survey or otherwise engage the membership in a research study, a panel of qualified AHEAD members carefully reviews the proposed study to ensure its quality and alignment with AHEAD’s mission. These selected members comprise the AHEAD Research Review Panel. Panelists serve a three-year term and are typically asked to review approximately two to three research applications each year.

The review panel consists of 7-9 members who are selected through a competitive application process. Selection criteria for panel membership include: (a) postsecondary expertise, knowledge, and experience; (b) knowledge of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) process, (c) availability and willingness to serve; (d) skills working on committees, subcommittees and editorial review panels; and (e) for the panel as a whole, diversity of expertise and points of view. For the upcoming panel, we are particularly inviting applicants who have expertise and/or experience in Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).

Charge: AHEAD Research Review Panel members review research proposals on a rolling basis to determine the extent to which the proposed research adheres to AHEAD’s Research Guidelines and Protocol. The Chair of the panel assigns proposals to panel members based on area(s) of expertise; therefore, panelists may not review all proposals submitted.

Process and Deadline for Submitting Applications: Any interested AHEAD member with expertise in the areas described above may apply for possible service on the AHEAD Research Review Panel. Applications should be submitted electronically to Dr. Todd Van Wieren,(, Chair of the AHEAD Research Review Panel.

To receive full consideration, applicants should include the following information: contact information about the applicant; the disciplinary and specific areas of expertise of the applicant; the applicant's resume or curriculum vitae; and a brief explanation of how the applicant meets the criteria listed above and why the applicant is seeking membership to the AHEAD Research Review Panel.

Questions about the application procedures should be directed to Dr. Todd Van Wieren, (, Chair of the Research Review Panel or Dr. Sally Scott, ( AHEAD Director of Research. Applications should be submitted no later than Friday, November 10, 2023. 

AHEAD values and welcomes diversity. In an effort to obtain applications of diverse candidates, AHEAD encourages applicants of all racial, ethnic, gender, and disability groups to apply.

