11:00 am - Glean
Future proofing your note taking support with Glean for Education
Glean for Education gives your students the antidote to information overload, and you the tools to provide an inclusive note taking accommodation that drives success for all students. Join our session to find out how Glean can help you move away from peer notes and implement a modern, tech-first accommodation.
Mais Wilsher, Customer Solutions Executive, Glean (formerly Sonocent)
11:30 am - uExamS
Bridging the Gap for Accommodations in Remote Learning and Testing
uExamS CEO, Ekta Kochar, discusses the challenges facing students with accommodations during the shift to remote learning and testing. She'll follow with an introduction to REMOTEi, uExamS's remote platform—the first to facilitate remote, human-based accommodations—and how disability services teams can leverage it to support students wherever they are.
Ekta Kochar, CEO, uExamS
Barry Tonoff, Director of Sales & Marketing, uExamS
12:00 pm - CommonLook
Document Accessibility Solutions for Higher Education
Ensuring documents are fully accessible to all students should be a priority for any higher education organization. CommonLook has focused on ensuring PDF documents are fully accessible for the last 20+ years. This session reviews the CommonLook tools and services that help higher education achieve 100% accessible documents.
Eugene Matusevitch, Document Accessibility Consultant at CommonLook
12:30 pm -TechnoPro Computer Solutions
"ClockWork- Trusted by more than 3123+ student service professionals"
ClockWork is still the leading provider of software solutions that are specifically designed to meet the custom needs of disability/ accessibility services department. Learn more about ClockWorks' current developments in the area of student connectivity and integrations with other technology such as zoom, on-call, and other future developments.
Mary Baddam, Operations Manager
George Melendy, Clockwork Management Consultant
Sharon Mone, MBA Program director, University of Vermont
1:00 pm - Vispero
Providing Assistive Technology for those that are Blind & Low Vision on and off-campus
Learn how some community college districts and state higher ed systems provide JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion to every campus with an annual software plan. Your students, faculty, and staff will not only have access while on campus but also while at home at no additional fee to the school.
Michael Wood, Vispero
Douglas Gerry, Vispero
1:30 pm - T-Base Communications USA, Inc.
Accessible Documents Made Easy: Introducing T-Base’s Self-Serve Transcription Tool
Learn how a new self-serve document transcription tool is revolutionizing the process for transcribing accessible instructional materials, making it possible for educational institutions to provide their students with alternate formats in a quick, effective and affordable way.
Jeff Jullion- National Account Executive, Education
2:00 pm - HRI-CART, LLC
What's old is new again, a 2021 captioning update!
With a new automated speech recognition (ASR) product being introduced almost daily, is new better? Trained and nationally certified, human-based captioning have been the gold standard in speech-to-text services for over two decades. With so many options it can be intimidating to make the right choice for your student. Come and join us for a comprehensive 2021 update on captioning.
T.J. DiGrazia & Carmin Beardsley HRI-CART, LLC
2:30 pm - Continual Engine
The Journey of Invicta™: An AI-Technology Solution for STEM Image Accessibility Resulting in Exponential Savings in Costs and Time
Learn about the journey of Invicta™, an artificial intelligence technology-based solution for making STEM images accessible across several large higher education courses and programs. We will share our experience about leveraging sophisticated technology along with collaboration, workflows, and change management to drive affordable, effective, and scaled accessibility outcomes in STEM disciplines.
Vijayshree Vethantham – VP Partner Engagements, Continual Engine
Rajiv Narayana – President/CEO (ansrsource), and Chief Learning Officer (Continual Engine)
Rajat Prakash – Product Owner, Continual Engine
3 pm - Symplicity
A Holistic Student Approach to Disability Services
Learn how data can enhance intersectional student engagement, increase student outcomes, and gain buy-in from university leadership. In this session hear from a Symplicity client and disability services professional on the best ways to support students with a disability for not only their accommodation, but their wellbeing, career outcomes, and academic success.
Holly Zuckerman, Client Manager, Symplicity
3:30 pm - T Mobile Accessibility
The Evolution of T-Mobile Accessibility and its Impact on Equitable Communications
T-Mobile Accessibility will discuss several relay products available at no cost to consumers through existing state and federal programs – as well as offered directly to businesses. These include T-Mobile IP Relay (dba Sprint IP Relay), CapTel®, Relay Conference Captioning, and T-Mobile Teleconference Captioning.
Alana Beal & Kevin Nolan, T-Mobile Accessibility
4:00 pm -Aira
Apps, Visual Interpreters and Technology Oh My! Tips & Tricks for Making Them All Work Together for Students with Disabilities
Aira’s Director of Community and a Visual Interpreter will provide an overview of the human-centric technology innovation, based on their first-hand experiences with students and staff. Attendees will learn how to successfully select a technology toolkit that provides optimal outcomes for blind and low vision students as they navigate the fast changing physical and digital worlds of their educational journey.
Jenine Stanley, Director, Aira
Joshua Flewellen, Visual Interpreter
4:30 pm - Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
Focusing on Today's Care
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to providing services and information to those with paralysis, their families, and caregivers. Through our services, individuals are offered countless resources on paralysis as well as access to free programs that benefit the paralysis community and support an all-inclusive world.
Kyle Marrs, Community Outreach Associate
Trish Correa, Associate Manager of Information Services and Translation