AHEAD 2021 - Exhibit & Marketing

AHEAD Equity & Excellence Access in Higher Education

Welcome from Jane Johnston, AHEAD Manager of Member Services

Jane Johnston

Since 1977 AHEAD has been providing invaluable resources to professionals who work in disability services in higher education and beyond. AHEAD’s Annual Conference usually draws approximately 1100 attendees. This year due to COVID-19 we will be changing things up. We are expecting approximately 400 attendees onsite in Austin TX and approximately 600 Virtually. All attendees have the same goals and seek to gain knowledge about disability services in higher education. Accessible technology, improving accommodations, postsecondary transition tools, universal design, and legal updates are just a few of the topics our attendees pursue.

You’re invited to join us in our Virtual exhibit hall, do a 30-minute presentation, post your company information in the online directory for our 4000 members to view, sponsor a session…we invite you to be creative! Put your company or organization in the spotlight and leave a lasting impression on this important audience. Should your company be looking for onsite representation in Austin we are offering many Sponsorships and marketing options in addition to virtual sessions. Please contact me directly for this information.

Jane Ayres Johnston
AHEAD Manager of Member Services
jane@ahead.org / 704-947-7779 ext. 3301

Onsite Options: You Don’t Have to be There to Market Your Company!

We are looking for sponsors for our onsite conference July 19th through 23rd. in Austin TX. These are just a few of the options available. If you are interested, please reach out to me directly. Onsite Sponsorships start at $1500 and are very limited. These sponsorships include a virtual presentation and your information on the website.

  • Bag Sponsorship (2 Available) $2500
  • Lanyard Sponsorship $1500
  • Hand Sanitizer Sponsorship $2500
  • Keynote Sponsor $2500
  • Coffee Break $2500
  • Half Page Advertisement $250
  • Full Page Advertisement $375

Reach Attendees Through Literature Distribution

You can have your literature prepackaged with every conference attendee’s registration materials. This is an effective and inexpensive way to capture the attention of over 400 AHEAD Conference attendees, prompting them to seek out your booth in the virtual exhibit hall. Placing your literature in the registration packet is a great option for those of you who are unable to attend the conference. Communicating with students currently registered with the DR office.

Quantity Non-Member Cost Member Cost
One brochure/pamphlet $250 $180
Two brochures/pamphlets $350 $260
Three brochures/pamphlets $450 $340
Additional per piece over three $100 $100

Important Deadlines

  • May 25, 2021 - Advertising and Marketing Applications Due
  • May 31, 2021 - Final Advertisements Must be Submitted
  • June 15, 2021 - Exhibitor Applications Must be Submitted

Virtual Options July 2021


Online Directory- Submit your company name, Logo, 50-word description, website URL and contact info. Your information will be posted on the AHEAD website.


30-minute presentation. - Present your product to our members captioned via Zoom


Sponsor- Includes level one and two and your logo and company name will be shown throughout our conference as