Fall 2022 Webinar Series Recordings

This year’s fall webinar program features 9 webinars with 17 speakers, representing a wealth of knowledge, experience, and backgrounds. This year’s program provides knowledge that will enhance the work of experienced professionals but is also appropriate and applicable for those newer to the field. Select just the topics that you’re working with now or attend all 9 webinars to bring a diverse program of information by nationally-recognized presenters.

Unlike its other professional development offerings, AHEAD allows you to purchase one webinar subscription to share within a whole office, making them a valuable staff investment. Information about how to share the login within your institution is provided with your paid registration. You may view them live or watch recordings later, making the AHEAD webinars a flexible, low-cost, high impact professional development opportunity!

All webinars were hosted in the Zoom webinar platform and have real time captioning available. ASL interpreters are also provided in the recordings. 

Purchasing & Costs

Individual Webinars All 9 Webinars
AHEAD Members: $59 Each AHEAD Members: $499
Non-Members: $99 Each Non-Members: $599


Purchase Webinar Recordings Here

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Webinar Titles & Description (All Times Eastern)

Audio Description: Access for Students Who Are Blind

Monday, September 12, 12-1:30 Eastern 

Joel Snyder, Audio Description Associates, LLC; Audio Description Project of the American Council of the Blind

Audio Description is a kind of literary art form. It's a type of poetry--a haiku. It provides a verbal version of the visual the visual is made verbal, and aural, and oral. Using words that are succinct, vivid, and imaginative, we convey the visual image that is not fully accessible to a segment of the population—new estimates by the American Foundation for the Blind now put that number at over 32 million Americans alone who are blind or have difficulty seeing even with correction—and not fully realized by the rest of us sighted folks who see but who may not observe. This presentation will offer an overview of the fundamentals of audio description and how they can be applied in providing more meaningful access to university activities: lectures, class presentations, performing and visual arts events and media--film and video.

Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

How Faculty, IT Staff, and Others Contribute to Making Courses Accessible to All Students 

Wednesday, September 21, 12-1:30 Eastern

Sheryl Burgstahler, Accessible Technology Services, University of Washington 

The pandemic shined a light on the inaccessibility of many online courses. The presenter, along with participants, will discuss how multiple stakeholders (faculty, teaching and learning centers, IT staff) can contribute to making a paradigm shift from designing courses for the average person to designing for all students and instructors, including those with disabilities. This webinar will address how to use universal design in higher education to promote accessible learning on campuses. 

Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

Individualized Interactive Accommodation and Fundamental Alteration Determinations: Law, Implementation, and Policy 

Monday, October 10, 2022, 2-4 Eastern  

Jamie Axelrod, Northern Arizona University  
Paul Grossman, Executive Counsel, AHEAD; UC Hastings College of Law and the Office of Civil Rights (retired) 

This two-hour presentation will address the law and best practices for implementation of two essential processes:  

  • the individualized interactive communication process for determining appropriate accommodations  
  • the process for determining whether authorization of an accommodation would entail a fundamental alteration. 

This webinar will address: 

  • What is the legal basis for requiring use of these processes?   
  • Must each of these processes be used in every instance where an accommodation is requested or denied? 
  • What do OCR and court decisions tell us about when each process is required? 
  • When must a school implement these processes and what are the best ways to do so? 
  • What are the elements of a compliant process?  
  • When should faculty be involved in these processes? 
  • What can be done in advance to prepare for when these processes must be used? 
  • Are there any model policies available to consider for adoption? 

      This webinar will be two hours long so that plenty of time for Q&A can be provided. 

      Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

      Three Common Accommodation Dilemmas and How to Address Them 

      Monday, October 17, 2022, 2-3:30 Eastern 

      Tom Thompson, TMLS Consulting

      Disability professionals often deal with complex situations regarding access and accommodations. This session will briefly explore three particular challenges and provide guidance and dialog among participants about addressing these challenges.  

        1.  Gaining early access to instructional materials for alt format and AT support 

        2.  Access and accommodations for graduate students 

        3.  Course Policy Accommodations - fundamental alteration and undue burden questions 

      Come prepared to engage in discussions with your peers to creatively address these issues! 

      Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

      The Student Interview and the Interactive Process: Practical Guidance

      Monday, October 24, 2-3:30 Eastern 

      Karen Andrews, Brown University 
      Desirae Mix, Brown University

      Scaffolding on the October 10 webinar on the legal and theoretical framework for creating a sound interactive process, this webinar will focus on the more practical aspects of the interaction. Using AHEAD’s Disability Resource Professional’s Guide to Exploring and Determining Access as a guide, this webinar will explore: 

      • What do you as a disability professional need to know in advance about the course, the major, and the expectations of students, and how do you gain that information?  
      • How do you know what student interview questions are most relevant to getting the information you need? 
      • How do you determine what the student’s barriers may be? 
      • If you need to bring in the instructor as part of the interactive process, how do you engage with them and what information should you seek? 

      Time for discussing particular situations will be set aside. 

      Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

      Improving Math Success for Students with Disabilities: A Round Table Discussion

      Tuesday, October 25, 2-3:30 Eastern 

      Paul Nolting, State College of Florida 
      Aimee Stubbs, Broward College 
      Craig Levins, Broward College
      Michelle Shaw, Florida Atlantic University

      This webinar will focus on learning strategies, accommodations, and course substitution procedures that Disability Resource Offices can use to improve math success for students with a number of types of math-related barriers, including students in disability groups such as SLD, ADHD, TBI, PTS, Intellectual Disability (ID), Language Impairment (LI) and Autism spectrum. The panelists represent community college and four-year university perspectives (both open enrollment and admissions-based institutions) and will review relevant OCR rulings on accommodations and substitutions. Time will be reserved for Q&A. Because AHEAD allows sharing webinars within an institution, this webinar will be an excellent resource to view with math faculty (or share the recording later).

      Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

      Disability Cultural Centers: Embracing Disability Culture and Identity within Higher Education 

      Wednesday, November 2, 2022 2:00-3:30 Eastern

      Toni Saia, San Diego State University 

      Disability Cultural Centers are an innovation on the rise within higher education. This webinar will describe the role of Disability Cultural Centers on campuses, the benefits they offer students, and how they differ from the disability office that is tasked with student accommodations. The presenter will highlight recent research and share practical strategies for institutions that may not yet be in the position for a Center at this time, but are interested in building disability culture on campus. Inclusive practices on how to embrace disability culture regardless of your role on campus will guide the discussion. 

      Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

      The Intersection of Title IX and Disability Law 

      Monday, November 7, 2022 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Eastern

      Emily Babb, University of Denver 
      Catherine Spear, University of Southern California 
      Olabisi Okubadejo, Georgetown University 

      Every school has someone identified as responsible for Title IX compliance. At some schools that role overlaps significantly with disability access responsibilities and at other institutions the two rarely interact. Hear from the three former OCR attorneys who are now responsible for Title IX and Equity at their respective schools discuss how institutions can proactively create protocols for implementing joint student support, such as supports for pregnant students and parents of newborns, providing immediate academic accommodations to victims of sexual assault, and accommodations during the Title IX conduct process. Time will be reserved for Q&A. 

      Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

      Supporting Student Accommodation Requests for Boards, Bar Exams, Licensing, Entrance Exams, and Other High Stakes Gateway Tests

      Tuesday, November 15, 2-3:30 Eastern

      Lisa Noshay Petro, UC Hastings College of the Law 
      Grace Clifford, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

      Although students may already receive accommodations in the educational environment, they frequently must apply separately for accommodations from third party testing agencies. These exams may make or break a student’s academic and professional career, so ensuring they have appropriate accommodations is essential, but how can we prepare students to submit their best application and support them through the process? This webinar will be presented by two practitioners with extensive experience supporting students in fields including law, education, social work, medicine, and other health science programs (OT, PT, PA, Nursing, etc.). The session will provide an overview of the application process, how applications are typically reviewed by testing entities, what data students should submit to support their requests, and how to handle appeals if the request is denied. Plenty of time will be reserved for Q&A.  

      Did you miss the live webinar? You can now purchase a recording of this webinar and others as they become available from the Fall 2022 Recorded Webinar Series.

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      Presenter Bios

      Karen Andrews

      Karen Andrews 
      Brown University 

      With over 12 years of higher education disability experience and more than 12 years of K-12 special education experience, Karen is a visionary leader in disability services. She has a passionate commitment to creating a culture of inclusion for everyone, recognizing the intersectionality of the disabled. She works to ensure equitable opportunities and compliance with federal laws, state regulations, best practices and University-wide and campus guidelines related to equal access, barrier elimination, and resources and services for disabled students. Karen’s work extends nationally as she serves on the Board of the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) as a Director-at-Large, is the current AHEAD Board liaison to the Knowledge and Practice Communities and is the former chair for the organization’s Race, Ethnicity, Diversity and Disability Special Interest Group. She is the 2022 awardee for the AHEAD Duraese Hall Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award. Every day, Karen and her service animal, Dooley, show up to serve the Brown community in advancing the cause of disability as diversity. Karen earned a BS in Elementary and Special Education from Northern Arizona University and an M. Ed. in Adult Education and Development from Strayer University. 

      Jamie Axelrod
      Jamie Axelrod 
      Northern Arizona University

      Jamie Axelrod, M.S. is the Director of Disability Resources at Northern Arizona University and Past-President of AHEAD. Jamie presents regularly on topics related to disability access and higher education, having expertise in disability law and policy, communication and information technology (ICT) access, and the reasonable accommodation process. Jamie is a regular and well-respected contributor to professional listservs, including AHEAD’s discussion boards, and is a go-to consultant for complex issues. He has worked for the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s athletic department, as a mental health therapist, and for Protection and Advocacy Systems, Inc., a disability rights advocacy law firm where he served as an advocate for individuals with disabilities who were claiming that their civil rights had been violated. Jamie has served as co-chair of Northern Arizona University’s Commission on Disability Access and Design and on AHEAD’s Board of Directors.
      Emily Babb 

      Emily Babb 
      University of Denver

      Emily Babb is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator at the University of Denver, where she oversees the University's Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX, which is dedicated to preventing and responding to all forms of discrimination, complying with civil rights laws, and ensuring equal access and opportunity to the University community. Before joining the University of Denver, Emily served as the Assistant Vice President for Title IX Compliance at the University of Virginia and oversaw the University's compliance with Title IX. While at the University of Virginia, Emily also served as the Interim Associate Vice President for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights, leading a 15-person team responsible for the University's broad civil rights compliance, including Title IX, the ADA, and employment equity. Prior to joining higher education, Emily was a Senior Attorney at the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Dallas Regional office and the Program Manager and Acting Regional Director at the Cleveland Regional office. She is a graduate of DePauw University and earned her J.D. from the University of Oklahoma College of Law. 

      Sheryl Burgstahler 

      Sheryl Burgstahler 
      University of Washington 

      Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler founded and directs Accessible Technology Services, which includes the DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center and the IT Accessibility Team within UW-IT at the University of Washington (UW). These units promote (1) the success of students with disabilities in postsecondary education and careers and (2) the development of facilities, IT, services, and learning activities that are welcoming and accessible to individuals with disabilities through the application of a Universal Design (UD) Framework. ITAT focuses efforts at the UW; the DO-IT Center reaches national and international audiences with the support of federal, state, corporate, foundation, and private funds. Dr. Burgstahler is an affiliate professor in the UW College of Education. She developed and continues to teach a graduate course in applications of universal design in higher education at City University of New York. 
      Grace Clifford
      Grace Clifford
      University of California, Los Angeles 

      Grace Clifford is the Director for Disability Services at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. Born and raised in Cleveland, Grace is a double alumnus of Baldwin Wallace University where she received her undergraduate degree in Psychology (’09) and a Master’s in Leadership in Higher Education (’11). She has authored and co-authored several publications and pending publications regarding disability accommodation determination and disability access; including chapters in: Principles and Practice of College Health (Vaughn & Viera, 2020), Equal Access for Students with Disabilities: The Guide for Health Science and Professional Education, Second Edition (Meeks, Jain, Laird, 2020), and Disability as Diversity (Meeks & Neal-Boylan, 2020). Her current research focuses on developing group models to support students with executive functioning and psychological based disabilities, barriers to seeking accommodations for under-resourced students, and improving disability access in health science and professional education. 

      Jamie Axelrod
      Paul Grossman 

      Executive Counsel, AHEAD 
      UC Hastings College of Law and the Office of Civil Rights (retired) 

      Paul Grossman, J.D. is the Executive Counsel of AHEAD with over 40 years of service at OCR in Washington and San Francisco, most of them as a Chief Regional Attorney. Paul also taught disability law for over 20 years at Hastings College of Law, UC. Paul remains a frequent guest lecturer for AHEAD, CAPED, UC Hastings, UC Berkeley, the California Community College System, and the National Association of ADA Coordinators. Paul served multiple terms on AHEAD’s Board of Directors and remains a member of the AHEAD Public Policy Committee as well as the Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) Expert Advisory Board. Through investigation, decision writing, and negotiations, Paul has addressed every form of discrimination in education including race, national origin, sex and disability, often developing new approaches for protecting the civil rights of students. Paul is the author of AHEAD’s publication, The Law of Disability Discrimination for Higher Education Professionals.  

      Craig Levins
      Craig Levins 
      Broward College 

      Craig Levins earned a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Antioch University, a Bachelor of Arts form Elmira College, and a Certificate of Advanced Assistive Technology Applications from California State University at Northridge. Craig has 24 years of higher education experience within the accessibility field and as an adjunct professor of Psychology. Craig joined Broward College in 2017 where he currently holds the role of Associate Vice President for Institutional Accessibility & ADA Coordinator. In this role he serves as the college’s ADA Coordinator and oversees the Accessibility Resources, Electronic Information Technology and Assistive Technology Departments, as well as the college’s Neurodiverse programs. Craig is the sitting president for Florida AHEAD and has been a member of AHEAD since 2000. Prior to his arrival in Florida, Craig worked within the State University of New York System where he served on the executive board of the NY AHEAD affiliate and served on multiple committees and consortiums throughout the state.

      Desirae Mix
      Desirae Mix
      Brown University

      Originally from Boston, Desirae began her career at Suffolk University then onto Brandeis University with a focus on integrating technology and universal design to reshape the way we look at academic inclusion. With a passion for technology, case law and policy, she enjoys teaching and collaborating with folx who share an interest for supporting the intersectional needs of those who identify as having a disability.  She provides support for both Undergraduate and Graduate students, and currently serves as the Graduate School Liasion. Desirae holds a B.S. in Business Management / Marketing Science and Information Technology from UMASS Boston and a M.Ed. in Administration in Higher Education from Suffolk University. Desirae is an artist, played roller derby for the Boston Derby Dames and used to competitively train in martial arts. 

      Paul Nolting
      Paul Nolting 

      State College of Florida 
      Hillsborough Community College 

      Dr. Nolting has helped students with disabilities for 30 years. He has consulted with over one hundred campuses on disability issues. He has publications, and authored books on disabilities and math. He has presented at 25 conferences for AHEAD and PTI and was the keynote at many state AHEAD conferences. His last two books are Mathematics and Disability Handbook focusing on helping SLD, ADHD, TBI, PTS, ID, LI and Autism and My Math Success Plan study skills workbook. The workbook is for students with disabilities and Wounded Warriors to improve their math study skills and understand how their process deficits affect math learning. Last, he was the main coordinator and presented at the four Math National Math Summits co-sponsored by AMATYC and NOSS. His international presentations were in Kuwait at Gulf University of Science and Technology. 

      Lisa Noshay Petro
      Lisa Noshay Petro 
      UC Hastings College of Law

      Lisa Noshay Petro, alumna (’98) and Director of UC Hastings Law Disability Resource Program, has worked with students in law, psychology, and other professional programs for over fifteen years in both public and private postsecondary institutions. She works with over 200 law students with disabilities each year, counseling many of them on stress reduction, emotion regulation, and disability symptom management skills. Prior to this work, she had over ten years’ experience working with children, adolescents, adults and families in various special education and social service settings in Arizona, California, and the New York metropolitan area. Lisa is a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community and believes her disabilities give her superpowers. Lisa is currently in a part-time graduate program at UC Berkeley to receive her Masters in Social Work. 

      Olabisi “Bisi” Okubadejo
      Olabisi Okubadejo
      Georgetown University

      Olabisi “Bisi” Okubadejo currently serves as Associate Vice President of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Compliance at Georgetown University. Prior to transitioning to Georgetown, Bisi was Of Counsel at Ballard Spahr LLP, where her practice focused on civil rights and employment issues in higher education, particularly on matters arising from alleged discrimination on the basis of race, disability, religion, age, and sex, including sexual harassment and sexual violence. She has experience both as an attorney in private practice and as a supervisory attorney with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Ms. Okubadejo has advised colleges and universities on their compliance with federal laws, including Title IX, the ADA, Section 504, the Clery Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination Act, FERPA, and Title VII. She has experience working with educational institutions and business entities on digital accessibility issues, including compliance with government settlement agreements and ensuring the accessibility of websites and course materials. Ms. Okubadejo's experience includes providing interactive training on civil rights issues to coordinators, administrators, hearing panels/judicial boards, campus safety departments, and students. She also has significant experience conducting and overseeing internal investigations and program reviews of higher education institutions and other employers, and auditing policies and procedures. 

      Toni Saia
      Toni Saia
      San Diego State University

      Dr. Saia is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Rehabilitation Technology Certificate at San Diego State University within the Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education. She is a disabled woman with a deep commitment to social justice, inclusion, and equity for all. Her professional work history has involved advocating for a progressive understanding of disability within the applied fields. A shift from diagnosis to disability as a culture and identity. One worth choosing and celebrating. In 2019, she graduated from the University of Arizona with her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. Her dissertation focused on the role of disability cultural centers in higher education — one of the only studies on this topic from the perspective of disabled students. She is one of the originators of the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA) Disability-Related Counseling Competencies informing the work of 55,000 counselors nationally. She also serves on the board of the Society for Disability Studies and Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Association (RCEA). 

      Michelle Shaw
      Michelle Shaw
      Florida Atlantic University 

      Michelle Shaw earned her Bachelor of Arts in Education and Visual Arts & Master’s in Education in Curriculum and Design with an emphasis in Exceptional Student Education at Florida Atlantic University. She has been working in disability services for 17 plus years. She has extensive experience in many areas of disability office operation including testing, volunteer coordination, consulting, assistive technology, ClockWork database admin, and has served as the Director for seven years. She has been an active member of the Association on Higher Education And Disabilities (AHEAD) and the Florida AHEAD group since 2005, and is the current President-Elect of Florida AHEAD. Michelle has presented on a variety of topics at the National AHEAD Conferences in 2011, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. She has been active and presented at the Independent Colleges and Universities Compliance and Ethics Consortium at Lynn University since 2018. Topics include Emotional Support Animals versus Service Dogs, How to Track your Data Confidentiality, Working with Athletes with Disabilities, Importance of Closed/Live Captions, and Working with Students on the Spectrum. She has also been an Adjunct faculty member in the College of Education since 2003.

      Joel Snyder
      Joel Snyder
      Audio Description Associates, LLC; Audio Description Project of the American Council of the Blind 

      Dr. Joel Snyder is known internationally as one of the world’s first “audio describers,” a pioneer in the field of Audio Description, a translation of visual images to vivid language for the benefit, primarily, of people who are blind or have a vision impairment: the visual is made verbal—and aural, and oral. Since 1981, he has introduced audio description techniques in over 40 states and 63 countries and has made hundreds of live events, media projects and museums accessible. In 2014, the American Council of the Blind published Dr. Snyder’s book, The Visual Made Verbal – A Comprehensive Training Manual and Guide to the History and Applications of Audio Description, now available as an audio book voiced by Dr. Snyder, in screen reader accessible formats, in Braille, and in English, Polish, Russian and Portuguese—a Spanish edition will be available in the fall of 2021; versions in Italian and Chinese are planned for 2022. His PhD is from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona with a focus on audiovisual translation/audio description. Dr. Snyder is the President of Audio Description Associates, LLC (www.audiodescribe.com) and he serves as the Founder/Senior Consultant of the Audio Description Project of the American Council of the Blind (www.acb.org/adp).  

      Catherine Spear
      Catherine Spear 
      University of Southern California 

      Catherine Spear joined the University of Southern California (USC) in late August 2020 to serve in the new role of Vice President for the Office of Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX). She also serves as the Title IX Coordinator. She is responsible for managing the University’s response to all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation involving faculty, staff, and students related to a protected characteristic. She also leads related proactive education and outreach programs that promote a safe and inclusive environment for all University community members, and leads USC’s Affirmative Action and other equity programs. Prior to USC, Spear served in a similar role as Associate Vice President for the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights at the University of Virginia and was Stanford University’s first full-time Title IX Coordinator. Prior to higher education, Spear worked for 19 years at the Cleveland office for the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, including as Chief Attorney and the last five years as Director. She started her legal career at a litigation firm before switching her focus to public service and higher education. She has a Juris Doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Dayton. 

      Aimee Stubbs
      Aimee Stubbs
      Broward College

      Aimee Stubbs is the Associate Director of Accessibility Resources Broward College in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, a two-year institution. She has a bachelor’s degree in Specific Learning Disabilities, a master’s degree in Varying Exceptionalities, and an Education Specialist Degree in Counseling. Prior to working for Broward College, she worked at St. Petersburg College, Before that, Aimee worked for the Pinellas County School System for 15 years with varying exceptionalities students. She taught academic subjects and Learning Strategies. She last years at Largo High School was being a Guidance Counselor an Intern Supervisor for the University of South Florida and a district trainer for Conflict Resolution and Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention. Aimee joined the St. Petersburg College Disability Resources team in March of 2008. She spent 5 years as a Disability Resources Specialist and taught Career and Life Planning courses. Then Aimee became Director of Accessibility Services in January of 2015, and currently serves as co-chair of the Pinellas Interagency Networking Council for Students, the Bridging the Achievement Gap Advisory Board, the Ridgecrest 360 Initiative, Delta Kappa Gamma Key Women Educators Organization, and is the current President of the Florida Association on Higher Education and Disability. Aimee has earned numerous awards and nominations, including CEC Rookie Teacher of the Year, Largo Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Educator Award, Disney American Teacher Recognition. 

      Tom Thompson
      Tom Thompson 
      TMLS Consulting Inc. 

      Tom Thompson entered the field of Disability Resources in Higher Education in 1980, taking a position at William R. Harper College, a large suburban community college outside of Chicago. His career at Harper College spanned 30.5 years, including service as the ADA Coordinator for the last 12 years of his tenure along with remaining as the Director. Starting in 1988, Tom began consulting with other higher education institutions and since retiring in 2010, consulting work has expanded greatly. He has served as an Interim Director twice, for Northern Illinois University and for California State University, Fullerton. Since 2018, he has had four major innovation contracts with institutions in Utah, New Mexico, and California. He has also served as an External Evaluator for AHEAD and NASPA, completing over 35 evaluations at private liberal arts colleges, community colleges, multi-campus systems, one online university and at several four-year universities. Tom authored a chapter in the NASPA publication, “Beyond the ADA…” on students with intellectual disabilities in higher education and is authoring and co-editing a chapter on External Evaluations in an upcoming AHEAD publication. He has also written articles for Disability Compliance in Higher Education and serves on their editorial board. He is working on a text/resource about the field of Disability Resources and Services.