Is This a Fundamental Alteration? Using the Interactive Process Properly to Examine Accommodation Requests Like “Remote Attendance” and Other Virtual Accommodations
Tuesday, February 1, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11-12:30 Pacific
Jamie Axelrod, Northern Arizona University
Adam Meyer, University of Central Florida
In our work, we frequently talk about the “interactive process,” but what is it exactly? Who should be involved in the process? How does the interactive process intersect with assessing when a fundamental alteration exists? This session will explore the interactive process and its use in evaluating when a fundamental alteration is present. The request for “remote attendance” as an accommodation will be used as an example of how to navigate the interactive process and fundamental alteration exploration.
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Documenting Student Interactions: Best Practices for Making and Keeping Internal Notes About Students
Tuesday, February 8, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific
Randall Borst, University at Buffalo
Adam Crawford, The Ohio State University
Enjie Hall, University of Toledo
Lisa M. Meeks, University of Michigan
Linda Sullivan, Dartmouth College
Part of the work of disability resource professionals requires making good notes about student interactions. Unfortunately, many practitioners have limited time or aren’t sure what should be recorded, so student “case notes” are not robust, with negative repercussions for students and the office. To help address this, AHEAD published a white paper authored by seven experienced disability professionals titled Documenting Disability Professional and Student Interactions: Reasons and Recommendations for Notes. In this webinar, five of the authors of that paper will offer disability resource professionals a framework for the need, development, use, formatting, and storing of internal notes about students. Plenty of time will be left for Q&A.
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How to Develop an ADA Faculty Training Program
Tuesday, February 15, Noon-1:30pm Eastern/9:00-10:30am Pacific
Catherine Wharton, Lynn University
ADA: Faculty Responsibilities Training is a multi-media curriculum that targets faculty. Participants will leave this how-to webinar with an overview of the curriculum, the 30-page faculty training manual, a two-hour professional development PowerPoint, learning outcomes, script, and additional resources for disability resource professionals to take back and customize for their institutions.
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From Burnout to Demoralization: The Perfect Storm That is Raining Resignation
Wednesday, February 23, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific
Margaret Camp, Clemson University
Almost 2 years into a global pandemic, we are burned out on the term ‘burnout’; it doesn’t accurately capture the stark erosion of morale in our profession. A perfect storm of turbulence factors have us swirling: a widening gap in college readiness and resilience skills for students coming from high school; increasingly demanding parents and complicated, customized accommodation requests; rising costs and the consumerization of ‘the college experience’; understaffed and under-resourced offices trying to do more with less as we pivot and flex – all set against a backdrop of political unrest, social discord, and a high-anxiety pandemic that drove us to shared isolation. By “claiming our crisis” and more accurately naming our response – demoralization – we will explore how we can wield new tools to restore some balance and satisfaction back to the important work we do.
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Learning from Each Other: Developing an Effective Peer Mentoring Program for Students with Disabilities to Facilitate Access and Community
Thursday, March 3, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific
Jennifer Biggers, University of California, Riverside
Ryan McCombs, Purdue University
To navigate college independently and successfully, students with disabilities need to hone their skills to navigate what can sometimes be an inaccessible or non-inclusive environment. Peer Mentor Programs at Purdue University and the University of California, Riverside are examples of programming initiatives designed to support a student’s transition to college. Participants will learn how to establish an enriching peer mentoring program for students with disabilities and have the opportunity to learn strategies for recruitment, training, leadership development, and data collection.
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Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies
Tuesday, March 8, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific
Lisa Noshay Petro, UC Hastings School of Law
Annie Rosenthal, UC Hastings School of Law
Sexual violence, police brutality, child abuse and all manner of civil rights issues are common topics of conversation in higher education classes. For faculty, it can be challenging to navigate class discussions around these topics with the knowledge that students in the room may have a trauma background. Impacted students can have difficulties focusing on material and engaging in classroom discussions, making it essential to educate campus communities, especially instructors, on the prevalence of trauma, its impact on brain functioning, and ways to best support students who are at risk of re-traumatization. This train-the-trainer session will provide an overview of trauma and tips on how to support your campus in implementing trauma-informed teaching.
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Using A Universal Design Framework to Underpin DEI Initiatives That Address Issues Related to Students with Disabilities
Wednesday, March 9, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific
Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Center, University of Washington
Is disability a diversity category addressed in your campus Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives? Attend this webinar to consider how to promote the inclusion of individuals with disabilities as a marginalized group within DEI initiatives and to design DEI activities designed for another marginalized groups to be accessible and inclusive of its members who also have disabilities. A Universal Design Framework, DEI implementation model, and resources for guiding a DEI initiative on any campus will be shared.
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Designing the Digital Accessibility Gateway: Using Data to Create Sustainability and Culture
Thursday, March 17th, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific
Jessica Guess, University of Cincinnati
Jermaine Fields, University of Cincinnati
Heidi Pettyjohn, University of Cincinnati
The University of Cincinnati has devoted considerable resources to support improving our digital accessibility, included finding ways to collect and share data about accessibility and provide opportunities for various academic and business units to create action plans directly related to improving electronic accessibility. This led to the development of a collaborative tool called the Digital Accessibility Gateway. This tool provides tiered access, allowing administration and leadership to access a dashboard and drill down for specific information about units under their purview. We included four modules: academic, web, 3rd party, and training. This tool was developed internally. Hear from a developer about the logistics of creating the tool and from our data collection expert why this is an important part of our commitment to accessibility.
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Emotional Support Animals in Housing, Classrooms, Dining Facilities, Testing Spaces, and More
Monday, March 21th, 2:00-3:30 Eastern/11:00-12:30 Pacific
L. Scott Lissner, The Ohio State University
Students are requesting to bring Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) to campus more and more often. The appropriate response to those requests can be unclear, given the multiple federal laws (and sometimes state laws) that come into play regarding ESAs. In this webinar, Scott will distinguish service animals from ESAs, describe the legal obligations imposed by the Fair Housing Act, Section 504, and the ADA, then discuss how schools should assess ESA requests in all its types of campus spaces. Plenty of time will be set aside for Q&A.
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Practical Application of the AHEAD Guidance on Disability Documentation Practices, a Presentation and Panel Discussion
Thursday, March 24th, 2:00-4:00 Eastern/11:00-1:00 Pacific
Adam Meyer, University of Central Florida
William Eidtson, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Daniel Jordan, Gwynedd Mercy University
Jewls Griesmeyer-Krentz, Linfield University School of Nursing
Maria Schiano, County College of Morris
Melanie Thornton, Partners for Inclusive Communities, University of Arkansas
Since its launch in 2012, the AHEAD Guidance on Documentation Practices encouraged discussion and reconsideration of the role of third-party documentation in the higher education disability accommodation process. Since then, many schools have wondered how to actually apply the guidance to make updates to office protocol. Through presentation, followed by a panel discussion, this webinar will revisit the guidance and offer practical information on how the suggested documentation practices can be applied in your disability office. Panelists with various office policies regarding documentation will explore what the guidance does--and does not--say in terms of utilizing the student narrative, professional judgement, and third-party information. Students’ need for disability documentation when applying to take professional licensing exams or graduate school entrance exams will also be addressed. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions during this 2-hour session.
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Implementation Strategies for the New AHEAD Code of Ethics
Thursday, April 28th, 3 PM-4:30 PM Eastern/12:00-1:30 Pacific
Adam Lalor, Landmark College
Lyman Dukes, University of South Florida
Lourdes Quiñones, University of South Florida
Amanda Kraus, University of Arizona
Professional ethics are critical for postsecondary disability services. As such, the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) released the revised AHEAD Code of Ethics in September 2021. But how do AHEAD members take this foundational document and translate it into practice in disability resource offices and disability-related research? This webinar will offer concrete strategies for implementing the AHEAD Code of Ethics in office procedures, the interactive process, program delivery, research/assessment design, and more. Opportunities to offer ideas for potential uses of the Code will be offered to attendees.
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