Edited by Mary Lee Vance, PhD & Elizabeth G. Harrison, PhD (2023)
Foreword by Haben Girma
In this second volume of DISABLED, coeditors Mary Lee Vance, PhD and Elizabeth G. Harrison, PhD have curated a collection of writings by 28 contributing authors who have provided personal narratives of what it is like to “work while disabled” in higher education. The authors, who represent an array of disabilities, identities, and nationalities, shine a light on the current state of accessibility and support for disabled faculty and staff in postsecondary careers. They establish their positionality by identifying their disability and other identities, illustrate how they’ve experienced the intersectionality or entangling of these identities in the context of work and daily life in higher education, and offer constructive suggestions and recommendations for how to make everyday life at their institution more equitable, inclusive, and accessible. The authors’ experiences clearly show that institutions must learn not only to identify, but also to oppose, ableism. The book also provides recommendations for how to use the contributors’ experiences to initiate campus conversations and classroom discussions toward building an anti-ableist environment, leveraging universal design, and the recognition that there is no diversity without disability.