IPHED (Idaho Partnership on Higher Education and Disability)

Established 2005
AHEAD Affiliate 2008
IPHED is a group of professionals representing the different colleges and universities throughout the state of Idaho with the intent to support the needs of students with disabilities at Idaho’s public and private postsecondary institutions.  

IPHED Mission Statement:

To promote equal rights and opportunities for retention, recruitment, leadership, and access to programs and services for post-secondary students with disabilities through promoting positive collaboration and information dissemination between post-secondary institutions and stakeholders providing services to students with disabilities. IPHED members value diversity, creativity and personal growth and development. IPHED strives to orchestrate resources through partnership and collaboration.

IPHED’s Goal: 

To foster collaboration and communication among postsecondary disability professionals in Idaho, to provide support and advocacy for our students with disabilities, and to arrange professional development/continuing education opportunities for our members.