Quick Links
Block 1
#1.1 Designing and Evaluating Web Sites Using Universal Design Principles
Howard Kramer – Accessing Higher Ground, University of Colorado, Boulder
This hands-on workshop will review the specifications and implementation (i.e. coding) to create web pages according to Web Standards and Universal Design features. Participants will learn about some of the strategies for designing and coding compliant sites according to these standards. The session will also review processes and approaches for testing and correcting non-compliant sites. There will be discussion of html, css and web page structural and code elements such as headers, divs, lists, etc. Some background with web page design, either through direct coding or through design software such as Dreamweaver is recommended. Novices in this area may be able to derive some basic strategies to take back to their more technical colleagues.
#1.2 AHEAD Start: Evolving Approaches to Documentation and the Student Interview
Adam Meyer – Eastern Michigan University
Melanie Thornton – pepnet 2 / University of Arkansas CURRENTS
Understanding a student’s disability experience and the barriers encountered is a core skill for disability resource professionals that involves the ability to listen, ask informed questions, reflect, analyze and apply professional judgment. The process of obtaining the right information from students provides the foundation for decisions about accommodation and access. This initial conversation with the student is also often a powerful one that sets the tone for a student’s perception of the disability resource office. In this two-part session, the facilitators will discuss strategies and provide a model for implementation of a student interview process that uses self-report, professional judgment and third-party documentation to focus on barrier removal and create an campus culture of access and inclusion.
#1.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: Inspirational, Courageous and Strong: Challenging Positive Disability Stereotypes
Amanda Kraus – University of Arizona
There are very clear themes in our discourse around disability that shape the disability experience for both disabled and non-disabled folks; we understand disabled people as either pitiful, tragic and scary or inspirational, special and extraordinary. While the latter descriptors seem positive, they are equally damaging. The concept of positive or “guerilla” bias is not unique to disability, and we must take the time to unpack our biases. In this interactive workshop we will explore some of the “positive” ideas we hold about disability and how, even with the best of intentions, they can subordinate disabled individuals. Together we will use examples from media and practice to explore professional culture in disability services and higher education.
#1.4 What Information Do I Need to Make Informed Accommodation Decisions - And Why?
Paul Grossman – Hastings College of Law; Retired Chief Regional Attorney, OCR, San Francisco
Carol Funckes – Chair Committee on Professional Development
Jean Ashmore – Past President, AHEAD
Over a year ago, AHEAD released a flexible framework for considering requests for accommodation, Supporting Accommodation Requests: Guidance on Documentation Practices. Since then, our field has seen a heightened discourse around professional practices: an intentional exploration of why we do what we do and a decreasing comfort in relying unquestioningly on the status quo. However, many remain unclear about the rationale for change in AHEAD’s guidance and subsequent institutional strategies for implementation. The panel will describe how the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, EEOC Title 1 and DOJ Title II guidance, DOJ Title III regulations, and influence from disability studies and social justice led to the broad and flexible approach that AHEAD recommends. Through panel and audience discussion, steps for implementing the 2012 AHEAD guidance will be explored.
#1.5 Current Students Challenging Professional Perspectives: Nothing About Us Without Us!
Susan Mann Dolce – University at Buffalo
Karen Pettus – University of South Carolina
Tammy Berberi – University of Minnesota
Cari Rose-Tomo – Molloy College
Roundtable by current students presenting their opinions and discussing “disability perspectives” they challenge. Student presenters of diverse backgrounds, educational goals, and abilities, will present their individual perspectives. Moderated by disability scholars and professionals, the roundtable will provide a unique and challenging experience. Attendees will be invited to be part of the discussion.
#1.6 Math Success Strategies and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and Wounded Warriors
Paul Nolting – State College of Florida
Participants will learn how to relate processing deficits to math leaning for students with LD, TBI, ADHD, PTSD and wounded warriors, recommend appropriate math classroom accommodations, testing accommodations and course substitutions. An additional focus will be on PTSD wounded warriors, using effective math study skills, learning styles and classroom instruction. Case summaries will finalize the presentation.
#1.7 Professional Judgment vs. Psychoeducational Assessment for LD and ADHD: An Interactive Approach
Rhonda Rapp – St. Mary’s University
AHEAD guidance informs us that under the ADAA, the first two levels of “acceptable documentation” rely heavily on the disability services provider’s “professional judgment.” But, how can professional judgment possibly be as valid and reliable as the comprehensive psychoeducational assessment utilized for diagnosing LD, ADHD/ADD? In this session, information collected during a psychoeducational assessment will be demonstrated (using popular diagnostic assessments) and participants will learn how this same information can be gathered through a student’s self-report and/or through observation and interaction.
#1.8 Developing and Using a Faculty Advisory Committee to Advance Strategic Partnerships and Improve Service Delivery
Susan Aase – University of Minnesota
Cynthia Fuller – University of Minnesota
Donna Johnson – University of Minnesota
Linda Wolford – University of Minnesota
Intentional work with faculty assists disability services offices to more effectively cultivate strategic partnerships, as well as meet identified goals. A faculty advisory committee can advise, guide and participate in program evaluation and offer outside perspectives on the services, programs, and activities of disability services offices. This session will provide participants with strategies and tools for conceptualizing, developing and implementing a faculty advisory committee.
#1.9 Emerging Trends: Delivering Essential Relationship Training for Successful Transitioning
Michelle Mitchell – Lehigh Carbon Community College
Linda Kelly – Lehigh Carbon Community College
DS roles are changing as they try to holistically assist students successfully transition on college campuses. How to handle topics such as dating, friendship, sexuality, and other social constructs imperative for young people to integrate in college and in community will be the discussion of this roundtable, bringing collective knowledge to evaluate and strategize options for this important transition into adulthood.
#1.10 A Cross-Disciplinary Model of Communication Coaching for College Students with ASD
Pamela Rohland – University of Rhode Island
Amy Weiss – University of Rhode Island
At the University of Rhode Island, an interactive, cross-disciplinary partnership between Disability Services for Students (DSS) and Department of Communicative Disorders (CMD) supports eligible students with Autism-Spectrum-Disorder (ASD) toward college success. Collaboratively planned activities include weekly sessions of disability support, communication therapy, peer-communication-coaching, and interaction with upper-class student mentors with ASD. Activities and student learning outcomes will be demonstrated.
#1.11 Universal Design of Computer Access: Access-to-Technology vs Accommodation
Sheryl Burgstahler – University of Washington, DO-IT
Terrill Thompson – University of Washington, DO-IT
What are implications of a socio-political model of disability and the ubiquitous use of computing devices on campus? How can computer access and support be provided using an access-to-technology approach rather than an accommodation issue? This presentation will provide an overview of issues to consider as a campus strives to provide equal access and use of computing services.
#1.12 Fostering Self-determination in Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: Strategies and Resources
Sharon Field – Wayne State University
David Parker – Children’s Resource Group
Promoting self-determination, “the ability to identify and achieve goals based on a foundation of knowing and valuing oneself”, is an empirically-supported practice within disability studies. Research indicates that self-determination fosters internal motivation and academic success. This session provides information on several resources that can be used in higher education settings (Disability Services offices, classrooms, academic support units, and advising centers) to promote student self-determination.
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Block 2
#2.1 Video Accessibility 101, Part I
Terrill Thompson – AccessComputing, University of Washington
In this two-part session we will explore techniques and strategies for making video accessible in higher education. During Part 1, participants will learn about captioning tools and methods, audio description, and accessible media players, with hands-on exercises. Part 2 continues in Concurrent Block 3.
#2.2 AHEAD Start: Applying Disability Studies in Disability Services
Wendy Harbour – Syracuse University
The fundamental tenet of disability studies is that disability is socially constructed in the environment, thus disability studies rejects the medical model of disability. So how can it inform a field in which legal definitions of disability and disability-related medical documentation guide the provision of services? This session, presented at the 2012 conference and updated for 2013, will give a brief introduction to disability studies theory and its application in disability services, including the potential for universal design to address ableism on an individual and institutional level.
#2.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: Managing Change as DS Leaders: Surveying Lessons Learnt and Mapping the Future
Fredrick Fovet – McGill University
The paradigm shift from service provision focused on the individual to interventions targeted to the classroom environment can be uneasy for DS professionals. For unit managers, however, the transition goes beyond a mere conceptual reframing: it can mean embracing the management of change and transforming our leadership styles. This panel will encapsulate the shared reflections of several unit directors, showcased and contrasted by the presenter, and summarize transferable lessons collected through this journey.
#2.4 OCR Year in Review
Howard Kallem – US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
The Office for Civil Rights ensures equal access to education and promotes educational excellence throughout the US through active enforcement of civil rights. OCR serves student populations facing discrimination and guides advocates and institutions to promote systemic solutions to civil rights problems. An important responsibility of the agency is resolving complaints of discrimination. This session reviews illustrative cases and decisions over the last year which may help you in formulating policy and practice on your own campus.
#2.5 Navigating and Developing Study Abroad Resources for Students with Disabilities
Ashley Bryant – Mobility International USA
Barbara Blacklock – University of Minnesota
Join an interactive demonstration of how to find and use several web-based tools for advising students with disabilities in study abroad opportunities. Gain access to disability-specific travel tipsheets, accommodation forms, funding opportunities, contacts for disability organizations worldwide and more. Presenters will also share examples of how disability services and education abroad programs can collaborate to create their own web-based resources.
#2.6 The Challenges of a Changing Pedagogy: How Will Disability Services Personnel Respond?
Neal Lipsitz – College of the Holy Cross
Eileen Connell Berger – Harvard Graduate School of Education
Paulette Durrett – Boston College
The 40th anniversary of Section 504 also marks a new wave in education. Using videos and quotes from faculty, three disability services professionals demonstrate a new approach to accommodations as pedagogy continues to incorporate technology, becomes increasingly interdisciplinary and interactive, moves beyond the classroom, embraces non-traditional timing, and works to meet differing learning, writing and speaking styles.
#2.7 The Faculty Development Office: A DS Provider’s New Best Friend
Terra Beethe – Bellevue University
Finding ways to get faculty involved, let alone excited about Universal Design topics can be challenging, especially for the one person office. Join this former DS provider turned faculty development coordinator on ways to engage, attract, and promote Disability Service and Universal Design topics to faculty.
#2.8 Spreading the Wealth: Involving Your Whole Campus in Providing Access for Students with Disabilities
Kristie Orr – Texas A & M University
Larry Phillippe – Texas Tech University
Disability Service providers often find themselves as the disability police and provider of access for all individuals on their campus. The presenters will describe ways that they have engaged many other campus entities in access issues, reminding all that access benefits everyone, so that they have become the champion of the cause, not the provider of all accommodations.
#2.9 Student Affairs Professionals: Increasing Students with Autism Graduation Rates
Melissa Willis – Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Students with autism are often misunderstood and largely underserved in today’s colleges. With the numbers of individuals increasing substantially over the past twenty years, it is imperative, now more than ever, that higher education professionals be aware of how to work effectively with autistic students. This session will highlight key issues and present strategies for creating the most effective college setting for the autistic student. Student affairs professionals will leave the session with the knowledge to be more aware and more confident in meeting the needs of this student population.
#2.10 Developing and Implementing Assistance Animal Policies Through Collaboration with Campus Partners
Susan Ackerman – Rochester Institute of Technology
Increasing numbers of requests for the use of assistance animals on campuses are necessitating the need for comprehensive service and assistance animal policies. Through lecture, case studies, interviews and group participation, a detailed description of the perspectives of campus community partners and policy elements to consider and include in a new or revised policy will be presented.
#2.11 Mobile Speech-to-Text Services: An Accommodation in STEM Laboratory Course
Michael Stinson – Rochester Institute of Technology
Pamela Francis – Rochester Institute of Technology
Lisa Elliot – Rochester Institute of Technology
This hands on session for administrators and support service personnel will: (a) demonstrate a mobile speech-to-text system, (b) enable participants to learn to use mobile speech-to-text display devices, (c) discuss applications of the system in diverse educational settings, and (d) present research findings about use of the service in STEM laboratories by students who are deaf/hard of hearing.
#2.12 Beyond Accommodations: Strategies for College Students with LD and ADHD
Mary Barrows – Northeastern University
Jennifer Newton – Northeastern University
Emily Estep – Northeastern University
Disability professionals have been called on to provide additional academic support to students with LD and ADHD. In workbook format, Beyond Accommodations provides disability professionals with basic information and resources that can be used to improve students’ use of strategies, self-awareness, and advocacy skills. The presenters, who are also authors of the manual, will provide detailed instruction and present real life scenarios.
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Block 3
#3.1 Video Accessibility 101, Part II
Terrill Thompson - AccessComputing, University of Washington
In this two-part session we will explore techniques and strategies for making video accessible in higher education. During Part 2, participants will explore and discuss promising practices for addressing video accessibility problems campus-wide.
#3.2 AHEAD Start: Introduction to Design for Non-Designers
Elizabeth Harrison, University of Dayton
What does design have to do with disability and higher education? Everything! This session will explore what design is and how the choices we make on our campuses and in our offices affect our work in large and small ways. As we explore the power of design, we recognize its role in creating welcoming campus environments. Participants will practice analyzing design choices in a variety of areas of DS work and discuss the concept of universal design.
#3.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: Accommodation Letters: Where Would we be Without Them?
Heather Mole - McGill University and panel
This panel discussion will focus on accommodation letters, asking questions like how do students use them, what language are we using in them, what messages are we conveying to faculty and to students when we send them? We will also explore the question “are they necessary and is there a way for them to be eradicated?” The panelists will probe these and other questions and then open up the discussion to the participants to gather their insights and ideas.
#3.4 The ADA: Beyond the ABCs of Academics, Part A, Recreation, Transportation, Evacuation, and Events
Irene Bowen - ADA One, LLC
Jim Bostrom - US Department of Justice
It’s not all academic! A three-part series explores issues outside the world of academic accommodations. First, we offer an overview of policy and facility issues as to recreation and athletics (including implications of the OCR letter about opportunities for elementary and secondary students), accessible transportation and parking, evacuation from buildings (notification, policies, accessible sheltering or exiting), and ensuring access to graduation, tours, and other events.
#3.5 The Right to Higher Education for Students with Disabilities: A Comparative Perspective of Israel and the US
Arlene Kanter – Syracuse University College of Law
In 2010-11, the author was selected as the Distinguished Switzer Fellow by NIDRR of the US Department of Education to conduct comparative research on access to higher education for students with disabilities in the US and Israel. During this presentation, the author will discuss her findings that reveal that although both the US and Israel take pride in the high percentage of their respective populations who attend post-secondary education, the laws, policies and practices of ensuring access to students with disabilities to higher education are in need of improvement -- both in the US and in Israel – especially if these countries wish to comply with the CRPD. This presentation also will discuss a new groundbreaking program in Israel to create support centers for students with disabilities.
#3.6 Mental Health Examined Through Disability Studies: How Theory Informs Service Provision
Gordon Dionne – Concordia University, Montreal
This presentation will examine Disability Studies Theory to see how it can inform our practice with students who are registered with a DS office on the basis of mental health concerns. An examination of the application of the social model of disability as well as concepts of Universal Design will be undertaken to develop concrete barrier reduction strategies.
#3.7 Crowdsourcing Accessibility: Strategies and Tools for Engaging the Campus Community
Melissa Helquist – Salt Lake Community College
Candida Darling – Salt Lake Community College
Brittany Stephenson – Salt Lake Community College
Many of the web-based materials and course delivery systems increasingly being used in higher ed are not accessible to students with a range of disabilities. This presentation explores a method to address this problem and engage the campus community in accessibility. Crowdsourcing is an innovative approach that engages students and the campus community in the process of creating accessible technology. Presenters will describe a service learning project to crowdsource accessibility at an urban community college, and explain tools and practices used to facilitate the project.
#3.8 Media Relations: 15 Minutes of Fame or Infamy?
Ron Venable – University of North Texas
Disability Service staff don’t typically find themselves with a microphone in front of their faces being asked “gotcha” questions by a reporter. In this session, a Disability Services director, in a major media market, will share his experience of how he wound up on the six o’clock news and what he learned to do somewhat differently in the future.
#3.9 Silent No More: The Experiences of Deaf Students in Community College
Serena Johnson – University of North Texas
Deaf students have issues accessing and utilizing English, and are therefore are at higher risk of not completing college than their hearing counterparts. This study is an exploratory analysis of deaf students navigation of a community college campus and their experience in remedial English classrooms.
#3.10 Accommodating Blind/Low Vision Students: Strategic Partnerships Are the Key, Part I
Kathy McGillivray – Hamline University
Annemarie Cooke – Promise Culinary School
Feeling a little nervous about the arrival of the first (or second) blind or visually impaired student on your campus? This presentation will get you started in understanding blindness and vision loss, determining effective accommodations -- including the latest in mainstream mobile devices, and building strategic partnerships with students, faculty, and community agencies to create accessible learning environments for blind and low vision students. Ample time for audience questions will be given. Part 2 continues in Concurrent Block 4.
#3.11 Captioning Online Media: An Introductory Guide for Colleges and Universities
Mary Reilly – University of Michigan
This presentation will discuss the methods used to provide video captioning in the classroom and on course management software. The session includes a demonstration of techniques to caption YouTube videos and other short video clips using free Internet applications. It is designed for participants who are interested in learning more about the video captioning process.
#3.12 Disability & Public Policy: What Does it Mean for Accommodating Students?
Marilyn Bartlett – Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Kelly Hermann – SUNY Empire State College
Emily Lucio – Catholic University in America
Linda Nissenbaum – St. Louis Community College, Meramec
Eric Wagenfeld – Indiana Purdue University Fort Wayne
From Law to Policy to Practice-Don’t miss this opportunity to share how colleges and universities are addressing their practices as a result of some of the current legal decisions. Meet with members of AHEAD’s standing committee on public policy to share your interest in current policy issues and find out how you can play an important role in this important standing committee.
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Block 4
#4.1 Bookshare - Accessing Books is Now Quicker and Easier Than Ever!
Cherie Miller – Bookshare
Do you have questions about signing up students for their free Bookshare memberships? Or want to know more about how to search for, and read college textbooks from Bookshare? In this hands-on lab, participants will learn how to help students sign up for their own individual memberships, how to search for and download the books they want (in the formats they choose!), as well as try out Bookshare’s newest reading tool: the Bookshare Web Reader. Reading Bookshare books has never been easier - join this session and try it out for yourself!
#4.2 AHEAD Start: Enhancing Campus Access through Strategic Collaboration
Katheryne Staeger-Wilson – Missouri State University
Disability resource professionals cannot achieve truly accessible campuses by working only with individual students and situations. Strong partnerships and shared efforts are needed to establish access as a campus-wide priority. Effective collaborations are essential to building inclusion into the fabric of our institutions. Through presentation and discussion, multiple examples of strategic, collaborative relationships with various campus constituencies will be explored. Participants will take home ideas for conceptualizing, developing, implementing and evaluating collaborations and partnerships on their campuses.
#4.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: Student Mental Health: A DS-Led, Campus-Wide Approach
Barbara Blacklock – University of Minnesota
Recent national events have increased stigma and myths about mental illness on many campuses, creating additional barriers for students with mental health disabilities. This session will focus on the broad benefits to college campuses of disability service providers actively leading a campus-wide response, to student mental health, through the development of a campus-wide committee. Participants will leave the session with an understanding of the benefits to working collaboratively to address student mental health, as a campus-wide public health issue and how to duplicate these collaborative initiatives on their campuses to increase access.
#4.4 The ADA: Beyond the ABCs of Academics, Part B, On-campus Living and Dining
Irene Bowen – ADA One, LLC
Jim Bostrom – US Department of Justice
Jane Jarrow – DAIS
It’s not your parents’ campus anymore, and new rules apply. What does DOJ’s new approach in the 2010 Standards mean for residence halls vs. faculty/graduate housing, and do you need to make alterations? What is program access in housing anyway? Do you have to make fraternity houses, sorority houses, and language houses accessible? And how do you address dining choices in light of the Lesley University settlement?
#4.5 Putting the Pieces Together: Disability, Employment, and Independence
Lisa Meeks – Case Western Reserve University
Garrett Westlake – Arizona State University
Disability-services personnel have the potential to improve employment outcomes of SWD by integrating existing resources to shape a comprehensive model of service delivery for SWD, ultimately leading to increased independence. This presentation explores practices that can be intentionally integrated into existing DR practices with little effort and no expense including: campus collaborations, internship opportunities, and companies focused on hiring individuals with disabilities.
#4.6 From Professional to Confessional: Blunders, Bloopers, and Brow-Raisers
Margaret Camp – University of South Carolina
Sharon Bellwood – Greenville Technical College
With terms like “professional judgment” and “legal compliance” hovering around our job descriptions, pressures in our work can make us feel the need for super-human professional perfection. The truth is we all make mistakes -- often hilarious ones! Join us for a talk-show style discussion as we share our missteps, laugh and learn from each other, and celebrate our collective humanity.
#4.7 Creating Strategic Partnerships & Success Strategies for Students with Challenges with Executive Functioning: How to Bridge the “EF” Gaps in All Areas of College Life
Michael McManmon – College Internship Program
Presenter will provide strategies to build partnerships and alliances with academic, residential life, and outside community supports to assist students who have difficulty planning ahead and staying organized. Understand how Executive Functioning impacts student college experiences, both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Learn effective intervention and alliance building strategies to help these students succeed.
#4.8 Small College Advisory Panels: One Institution’s Trials and Tribulations
Andy Christensen – Carleton College
This presentation focuses on one small college’s efforts to institute a disability services advisory panel, sharing both the good and the bad. What should the charge be? Who should be invited? How often should we meet? Learn from a peer institution’s experience. This presentation is specifically geared to solo practitioners.
#4.9 Community College Faculty’s View of Students with Disabilities-Diversity or Disability?
Jean Kelly – Community College of Denver
This roundtable discussion will start with the findings at Community College of Denver (CCD) of their faculty’s views of students with disabilities. Did increased efforts to champion Universal Design and accessibility positively impact the faculty? Two year versus four year environments which are all present on the Auraria campus will be discussed. Participant experiences will be measured against CCD’s findings.
#4.10 Accommodating Blind/Low Vision Students: Strategic Partnerships Are the Key, Part II
Kathy McGillivray – Hamline University
Annemarie Cooke – Promise Culinary School
Feeling a little nervous about the arrival of the first (or second) blind or visually impaired student on your campus? This presentation will get you started in understanding blindness and vision loss, determining effective accommodations -- including the latest in mainstream mobile devices, and building strategic partnerships with students, faculty, and community agencies to create accessible learning environments for blind and low vision students. Ample time for audience questions will be given.
#4.11 Assessing Diversity, Retention and Progression using a Matched Cohort Approach
Jamie Axelrod – Northern Arizona University
Jared Hopkins – Northern Arizona University
In 2012 Northern Arizona University used a matched cohort model to compare the retention and progress of first time, full time Freshman with self-identified disabilities, to non-disabled peers. The groups were matched based on demographic, academic and non-academic factors. The development of the cohort uncovered eye-opening facts about the diversity of the students with disabilities. Join us to see the results.
#4.12 Writing for the AHEAD Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability
David Parker – Executive Editor, JPED
Researchers and practitioners in the disability, technology, career and higher education fields, among others, regularly submit manuscripts to the JPED. This session is designed for those who are considering writing articles for the Journal and will include a review of current topics, what the JPED Editorial Board looks for in successful articles and a walk-through of the manuscript submission process.
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Block 5
#5.1 How to Manually Test a Website Without Technical Knowledge
Kara Zirkle – Assistive Technology Initiative, George Mason University
Korey J Singleton – Assistive Technology Initiative, George Mason University
This session will offer a nontechnical instruction on how to manually test websites for accessibility. We will review a checklist with specific steps to check for accessibility. This list will cover about 75% of web accessibility. No technical knowledge is required, though we will use commonly used keyboard controls and basic technology to complete the process.
#5.2 AHEAD Start: Exploring Power and Privilege Dynamics in Disability Services
Sharon Downs – University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Amanda Kraus – University of Arizona
Many of us choose to work in disability and higher education because of our commitment to creating more just and inclusive environments, without realizing how we may inadvertently contribute to dynamics that maintain the status quo. Presenters will lead discussions on power and privilege, explore how DS professionals may be advantaged by the current service model, and consider actions to push the professional toward more socially just practice.
#5.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: Students with Intellectual Disabilities: The Next (but it’s here) Frontier
Lance Alexis – Western Carolina University
Deb Hart – Institute for Community Inclusion, UMass Boston
Linda Nissenbaum – St. Louis Community College
Scott Ritter – Director, Madison College
Cate Wier – Institute for Community Inclusion, UMass Boston
Discussant: Stephan J. Smith – Executive Director, AHEAD
We know from evidence-based research and practice that some students with intellectual disabilities (ID) benefit greatly from postsecondary experiences and have seen these opportunities expanded in the last several years. However, controversy and challenges remain. This session will feature a provocative conversation between five experts in the field of ID and postsecondary education. While each brings a wealth of experience and knowledge, their perspectives and opinions vary greatly, making for a lively discussion of pros and cons, challenges and solutions, and promising models. We look forward to you being a part of this important exploration as we seek to share with, and more importantly learn from, each other.
#5.4 We’re from the Government. How Can We Help You?
Irene Bowen – ADA One, LLC
Howard Kallem – US Department of Education, OCR
Representatives of other federal agencies – TBA
The past year has brought a lot of developments on the federal front, and we’ve invited representatives of federal agencies to brief us and let us know what might be next. For an update, join officials from departments like Education, Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, and Justice, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Bring questions about athletics, electronic communication, emergency evacuation, housing accommodations, food allergies, or whatever issues the agencies can clarify.
#5.5 Socio-Cultural Perspectives of Disability Among Educators in Nigeria
Titilola Akintun De – Babcock University, Nigeria
Ruth Aderanti – Babcock University, Nigeria
Taiwo Williams – Babcock University, Nigeria
Nigeria is a country with three major ethnic groups with diverse cultures and beliefs and people from each group can be found in every part of the country as educators. This study will employ a qualitative research design and convenient sampling will be used. Data will be gathered using an interview guide in three universities in the south western geo-political zone in Nigeria. University lecturers will be interviewed to give their views on what disability means, the different types, the causes, who is to blame, how the status of the person with disability is determined by culture as well as the challenges faced by educators at meeting the needs of these individuals. To date, little or no data have been gathered on this concept among educators in Nigeria. There is a need for all educators to understand that one’s ethnicity/cultural orientation results in distinct responses to disabilities. This study will describe the socio-cultural perspectives of disability among educators in intent to create awareness on the subject matter.
#5.6 Reframing Disability: Developing a Short Course for Faculty/Staff
Rosemary Kreston – Colorado State University
This session will describe the development and implementation of a short course, Reframing Disability: From Pathology to Capability, for faculty and campus staff as part of a professional development program. The course involved three one-hour meetings with supplemental readings and videos provided in advance to foster group discussion. The purpose is to provide the audience with new ways of thinking about the reframing process, but also to generate how an understanding of the process can be conveyed to others. PowerPoints used for this course will be shared to provide ideas on how the concepts of reframing disability can be understood and disseminated.
#5.7 Foreign Language Accommodation: Incorporating Evidenced-based Practices Under the AHEAD Documentation Guidance
Sally Scott – University of Mary Washington
Manju Banerjee – Landmark College
Determining accommodations for students with difficulty in foreign language learning continues to confound postsecondary service providers. When is a course substitution warranted? When is classroom accommodation sufficient? How does the AHEAD documentation guidance influence accommodation decision-making in this area? This session highlights research and evidence based practices for accommodation decision-making in primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of documentation.
#5.8 Institutional Change Regarding Accessible Technology From Reactive to Proactive: A Cultural Shift From Why to How
Bill Welsh – Penn State University
Kristen Betts – Armstrong Atlantic State University
Cheryl Pruitt – California State University
This session will provide information on creating institutional change not only in policy, but attitude and effectiveness related to accessible technology and information. The panelists will share their experiences in building effective infrastructure to integrate accessibility strategies and training into existing programs to affect a cultural shift. If your institution is stuck in the reactive mode of inaccessible web sites, technology and course materials, then this session is for you. Learn how to create effective policies, procedures, and strategies to promote institutional change.
#5.9 Documentation and Accommodation for Students on the Autism Spectrum
Jane Thierfeld Brown – University of Connecticut School of Law
Lorraine Wolf – Boston University
Loring Brinkerhoff – Educational Testing Services
Students on the Autism Spectrum come to higher education with varied documentation. In light of the AHEAD Guidance on Documentation, what is appropriate testing and reporting for students on the Autism spectrum? How do we determine accommodations with students who may not be excellent self-reporters? Some accommodations for this population are unique and challenging. This session will address these issues and look at best practices in documentation and accommodation.
#5.10 Our Literature, Our Field: Findings and Trends from Postsecondary Disability Literature
Allison Lombardi – University of Connecticut
Adam Lalor – University of Connecticut
Joseph Madaus – University of Connecticut
Are you curious to know the main findings and trends from the postsecondary disability literature, but don’t have time to read the articles? In this session, we provide a synthesis of roughly 900 research articles that we categorized into three areas: students, disability support staff and programs, and faculty/non-disability support staff. This presentation will be of interest to practitioners preparing for institutional assessments.
#5.11 Video Remote Interpretation: Establishing an Inclusive and Equitable Environment for Deaf Students
Erica Alley – Gallaudet University
Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) in postsecondary environments opens the door to dynamic classroom interactions for Deaf students through creating an environment of language access. This presentation is an introduction to VRI in academic settings and offers a guide to successfully collaborating with Video Remote Interpreters in order to ensure an inclusive and equitable post-secondary experience for Deaf students.
#5.12 Empowering Faculty, Advisors, and Wounded Warriors: Academic Adjustment Strategies
Paul Grossman – Hastings College of Law; Retired Chief Regional Attorney, OCR, San Francisco
Mary Lee Vance – Purdue University, Calumet
Faculty often do not know what they can and cannot do when it comes to classroom adjustments. Advisors educate outside the classroom. Presenters will discuss legal and learning concerns associated with wounded warriors, and will provide syllabi and curriculum strategies that empower faculty, advisors as well as veterans. Case studies will provide interactive opportunities for participants to exchange best practices.
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Block 6
#6.1 Creating an Accessible Document
Kara Zirkle – Assistive Technology Initiative, George Mason University
Korey J Singleton – Assistive Technology Initiative, George Mason University
This session will offer practical instruction on how to create accessible documents and forms. We will focus on the basics of accessible Word and PDF documents and the importance of why documents should be made accessible from the beginning. We review Office 2010, the Built-in Accessibility Wizard and 3rd Party products such as Commonlook Office.
#6.2 AHEAD Start: An ABCD Approach to DS Office Administration
Adam Meyer – Eastern Michigan University
We often spend so much time focused on day-to-day student meetings and accommodation requests that we can overlook important administrative tasks that support our offices in working effectively within our campus communities. This session will explore four key administrative responsibilities necessary for office operational success: (A)wareness of Culture, (B)udgeting, (C)ommunication and (D)ata Reporting. Why skills in these areas are necessary and general ideas on how to approach each will be examined. Those in attendance will be invited to share their beneficial administrative experiences and approaches as well.
#6.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: The Care and Feeding of DS / Faculty Relationships
Beth Harrison – University of Dayton
Carol Funckes – University of Arizona
A partnership between disability resource staff and university faculty is a key component in supporting student access and encouraging inclusive curricular design. From letters of accommodation to conversations about fundamental alteration, the fluency and understanding that disability resource personnel demonstrate in their interactions with faculty can build bridges or challenge access. In this session, we will discuss the multiple demands on faculty members and consider factors that influence their receptivity to accommodations and pedagogical change. Participants will leave with strategies for involving faculty in prioritizing access that maintains academic rigor and encourages innovation.
#6.4 The ADA: Beyond the ABCs of Academics, Part C, Animals on Campus
Irene Bowen – ADA One, LLC
Jeanine Worden – HUD
Scott Lissner – AHEAD President
Still dogged by questions about service animals and emotional support animals? Learn about the difference between the two and what type you must allow where. Explore questions left unanswered by DOJ’s revised regulation: What do you do when you can’t ask certain questions, if someone is allergic to a dog, or if you’re not sure it’s a service animal? We’ll cover any updates on the University of Nebraska, Kearney, case challenging applicability of the Fair Housing Act to residence halls too.
#6.5 Equity & Disability - Joining Forces to Make a Difference
Heather Mole – McGill University
Tynan Jarrett – McGill University
Collaboration between Disability Services and Equity Offices has the potential to break down due to differing mandates as well as philosophical differences. This presentation will offer participants an inside look at a successful partnership at one institution. A DS staff member and an Equity Office staff member will reflect honestly on their partnership, and discuss challenges, solutions, and successes.
#6.6 A Quantitative Investigation: Success for Students with Disabilities Taking Online Courses
Jennifer May – Clarion University of Pennsylvania
As online courses have become extremely popular, the success of students with disabilities has become a focus for disability providers. This researcher will provide results and insight to the growth and success trends for students with disabilities taking online courses. Participants will be able to discuss future implications and needs for accommodating students with disabilities taking online courses.
#6.7 Unchartered Paths: Forging Successful Partnerships with Faculty, Teaching Services and Diversity Offices for Campus-wide Universal Design implementation
Frederic Fovet – McGill University
A campus wide, speedy UD implementation is a vast and resource heavy commitment that is difficult to tackle single handedly for any campus stakeholder. Beyond strategic hurdles, there may not either be a logical or obvious choice when it comes to leadership of the implementation drive: DS unit? Teaching support services? Diversity office? Faculty? This presentation will showcase the argument that the task is best led in collaboration between all of these key actors and identifies pitfalls and winning conditions in the creation of a team UD agenda.
#6.8 Dr’s. Sheldon Cooper and Temple Grandin: A Big Bang Approach to the Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships
Lisa Meeks – Case Western Reserve University
Popular media increasingly highlights the idiosyncratic quirks of individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome, helping shape lay individuals perceptions. Sheldon Cooper of the Big Bang Theory displays Asperger Syndrome characteristics in a hospitable, well supported, and humorous manner. Given the show’s popularity, it is a perfect medium for teaching students about neuro-diversity and solidifying Temple Grandin’s unwritten rules of social relationships.
#6.9 Facilitating Cooperative Learning in Student Workgroups
Carol Marchetti – Rochester Institute of Technology
Susan Foster – Rochester Institute of Technology
Gary Long – Rochester Institute of Technology
Michael Stinson – Rochester Institute of Technology
Many STEM discipline teachers are aware of the benefits of active learning. However, implementation, especially in classrooms with communication challenges, can be difficult. Research in this presentation examines the effectiveness of low-cost, low tech instructional tools and strategies in facilitating communication, participation, and learning in cooperative workgroups comprised of students who are deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH) and hearing.
#6.10 Improving Access to Campus - ClickAndGo Wayfinding Maps
Joe Cioffi – ClickAndGo Wayfinding Maps, Inc.
ClickAndGo Maps provides a fully customized and accessible wayfinding service that is individually adapted for university campuses. Our service stands out from other wayfinding technologies in several respects, one being that we uniquely provide both “indoor” and “outdoor” step-by-step walking directions for cane and guide dog travelers. We have just expanded our service to address the needs of a range of travelers with disabilities. We now provide a specialized route database for wheelchair travelers, allowing users to gain immediate access to all wheelchair-accessible routes, using our interactive voice response or web-based systems. In additional, we also now providing a 3rd wayfinding database for elderly travelers, travelers with autism, memory challenges, or traumatic brain injury. A demonstration of our full range of wayfinding options, with applications from university venue to transit environment, will be presented. All of our data is compiled by mobility instructors, and is available via computer download, screen-reader, or simply by calling our service with any telephone.
#6.11 Mobile Applications (iPad, iPhone, etc.) and Time Management
Deanna Arbuckle – University of Daytona
As students transition to college, they are faced with many changes. Not only do they have new freedoms, they also have new responsibilities. Most Disability Service Professionals (DSP) agree that time management is extremely helpful. This presentation will take a deeper look at some time management and organization applications for mobile devices and provide resources DSP can use with students.
#6.12 The AHEAD Code of Ethics
Jamie Axelrod - Northern Arizona University
Often overlooked due to our emphasis on legal mandates, ethical standards and behavior are crucially important components of our work as DS professionals. Join this discussion as we take a fresh look at the AHEAD Code of Ethics in light of other professional ethics codes and new thinking in disability, law and practice. Note: This session is not approved for CRCC Ethics CEU’s.
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Block 7
#7.1 Using Texthelp’s Read&Write GOLD eBook Reader? Qualified Students Signed Up With a Bookshare Membership?
Cherie Miller – Bookshare
Jeff Greaves – TextHelp
You have the technology, now how do you use these tools with students with print disabilities?
In this hands-on lab with Texthelp and Bookshare, participants will learn how to log into their Bookshare account and use eBook Reader to search for, save, and read aloud Bookshare eBooks with dual highlighting. Additional support tools including Dictionary, Picture Dictionary, Translator, and Study Skills are also available. Users can do all of this anywhere, anytime from mobile devices, PCs, or Macs.
#7.2 AHEAD Start: Disability Law and the Art of Disability Services: A Conversation with Jo Anne Simon
Jo Anne Simon – Adjunct Associate Professor, Fordham University School of Law
Host: Melanie Thornton – pepnet 2 / U of Arkansas CURRENTS
As a founding member of AHEAD, Jo Anne Simon has had the opportunity to see the landscape of disability services grow and evolve. Her personal experience as a disability service provider and her knowledge of the law put her in a unique position to offer new professionals both legal guidance and pearls of wisdom on how civil rights legislation translates into practice. In this interview style format, we will learn what guidance the law provides while also dispelling some myths common to our field regarding legal requirements. We will look at pivotal moments in civil rights history and recent shifts and consider what these mean for our profession.
#7.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: Professional Practices: Parasitic or Mutualistic?
Sue Kroeger – University of Arizona
Ensuring access, equity, and inclusion demands an understanding of the disabling nature of professional definitions of need and remedy. This roundtable discussion is designed to introduce or re-connect practitioners to an “affirmative” disability frame, problematize our professional practices and explore their implications. Society’s “tragedy” view of disability is pervasive and consistent across language, media, education, and design. It clearly locates the problem of disability within the individual and attributes the problem to physical, sensory, or cognitive limitations… and it is embedded in our professional practices. Disability activists and scholars continue to reject this view and assert a conceptualization that locates the problem of disability primarily within society. They proclaim that it is not biological differences that are the cause of the problem but society’s failure to value and appreciate difference and to design environments that are welcoming and inclusive. Unfortunately, disability services and the applied disciplines have not engaged with this conceptualization in consistent and meaningful ways. Indeed, the service industry and we, professional service providers, help to maintain the very frame that scholars and activists work so hard to change.
#7.4 Alternate Media and Copyright—A Blockbuster Court Decision: The Authors Guild, Inc. v. Hathi Trust, S.D. N.Y (2012)
Paul Grossman – Hastings College of Law; Retired Chief Regional Attorney, OCR, San Francisco
Gaeir Dietrich – California Community Colleges System
DSS Directors and alternate media providers are often unsure of how copyright law applies to their responsibility to provide alternate media to various populations of students—blind students, students with “print disabilities,” students with learning disabilities, etc. This confusion reflects the fact that the law in this area is built on complex compromises among competing interests and is not consistent with current scientific knowledge about why persons with disabilities cannot read.
It is in this caldron of confusion that, in The Authors Guild, Inc. v. Hathi Trust, S.D. N.Y (2012), the National Federation for the Blind (NFB) and other groups addressed the claim of the Authors Guild that permitting Google to digitize thousands of books contained in the libraries of five major universities was an obvious violation of the Copyright Act. The blockbuster outcome, issued by Judge Baer, supported the production of alternate media for certain purposes, such as making materials accessible to persons with print disabilities, under the “fair use” exception to copyright. This decision, if applied nationally, will bring considerable clarity to this topic and greatly expand the application of the “fair use” exception to creating alternate media for persons with disabilities.
#7.5 Strategies and Considerations for Establishing a Disability Cultural Center on Your Campus
Wendy Harbour – Syracuse University
Diane Wiener – Syracuse University
Michelle White – Syracuse University
Many campuses are establishing disability cultural centers to promote community and culture and a disability studies attitude. In this panel presentation, you will hear from representatives of campuses that have established cultural centers, or started the process of doing so. You will learn about options, resources, arguments for/against, and potential roles of disability services, student affairs, and other groups on campus.
#7.6 The Enrollment Patterns, Graduation Rates, and Service Use of College Students with ADHD/LD
Theresa Maitland – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
In the past several decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of students with ADHD and/or LD who are attending 4 year colleges. However, there is limited research detailing how their experiences differ from the general study body. This session will share the results of a study comparing enrollment and graduation data from approximately 1800 students diagnosed with ADHD and/or LD with 9000 of their non-disabled peers.
#7.7 Supporting Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Building Inclusive, Sustainable Postsecondary Programs
Mickie Hayes – University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
The Florida Consortium on Postsecondary Education and Intellectual Disabilities has developed a sustainable statewide approach for transition-age youth with intellectual disabilities to participate in academic and community life on a college campus. In this session, we will share our practices, including our curriculum model, person-centered planning model, and newly-designed UDL module for postsecondary faculty.
#7.8 FERPA and the Disability Services Provider: How to Handle Student Information
Aileen Gelpi – John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Cynthia Gomez – John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Disability services providers deal with students’ medical and educational records on a daily basis. Although students trust their records will be confidential, sometimes you must share that information with others on and off campus. Understanding your institution’s obligations under FERPA will help you make legally sound decisions while ensuring that students’ needs are met and their rights are respected.
#7.9 Sustaining and Growing Resources: Multi-campus Community College Perspectives
Tom L. Thompson – Higher Education Consultant
Sandra Patton – Lone Star College, University Park
Deborah Larew – Valencia College
Two multi-campus community colleges (Florida and Texas) have Disability Services Directors who oversee accommodations and resources on multiple campuses. Their role is largely focused on resource development/allocation, consistency of practice and enhancement of their campus environments which promote the inclusion and success of students with disabilities. This session, facilitated by a seasoned Disability Services Director, will focus on campus changes/improvements and how to translate these practices for other campus settings.
#7.10 Behavior Management and Self-Regulation for College Students on the Autism Spectrum
Lisa King – St. Catherine’s University
Jane Thierfeld Brown – University of Connecticut School of Law
Managing emotions and behavior is critical for college students with ASD. The 5 Point Scale (Buron and Curtis) is one option used on many college campuses to assist students with ASD. This session will describe our experiences using the scale and we will demonstrate use of the scale by suggesting a possible scenario on campus and take participants through the steps of how to assess the situation and turn it into a scale usable scale.
#7.11 Utilizing iPad Technology to Enhance Tutoring for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Ann Hager – NTID, Rochester Institute of Technology
W. Scot Atkins – NTID, Rochester Institute of Technology
Mark Pfuntner – NTID, Rochester Institute of Technology
Increased demand for tutoring with limited resources inspired an innovative approach to providing academic support to deaf and hard of hearing students enrolled in classes at the Rochester Institute of Technology. iPad technology was used to create a database of tutoring videos which are accessible through YouTube. Other applications of iPad technology for tutoring will be discussed.
#7.12 Inclusive Campus Communities: What Do They Look Like?
Cate Weir – University of Massachusetts, Boston
Melissa Jones – Northern Kentucky University
Molly Boyle – University of Massachusetts, Boston
Many college programs for students with intellectual disability pursue collaboration with the entire campus community, including disability services personnel, to promote inclusive and authentic college experiences. This session describes a whole-campus approach to service delivery for students with intellectual disability, and uses images of college students to deconstruct the meaning of an inclusive campus, creating opportunities for open dialogue about the value of truly inclusive communities.
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Block 8
#8.1 Clockwork Enterprise Solutions: Disability Services Management System
Barouch Chai – Microscience Learning
ClockWork Enterprise is a comprehensive management system that provides Disability Services Departments with a secure, multi-purpose, scheduling & tracking solution to serve the needs of disabled students. At the heart of ClockWork is a powerful group scheduling environment for managing counselling appointments, meetings, availability, exams & tests, workshops, events, rooms and related resources. Clockwork provides easy access to information for counsellor and student, and can eliminate hours of tedious data entry, copying and recopying of students’ information when ClockWork is synchronized with your institution’s student management system. Learn how counselors and administrators can streamline management of Disability Services Departments through this simple, but powerful application.
#8.2 AHEAD Start: Refocusing your Service Delivery
Heather Mole – McGill University
Gladys Loewen – Consultant
Ever feel like you are in a rut at work, running from one crisis to another stuck in documentation, letters to faculty, and implementing procedures? The presenters will explore new ways of approaching DS practices and explore strategies to refocus your energy into becoming a campus leader that promotes appreciation of disability and models practices that lead to full participation for disabled people in higher education. In this interactive session, presenters will examine how the current approach of providing disability related accommodations often gives the illusion of independence and equal opportunity, while in reality, forcing disabled students to qualify for services, accept special treatment, and take on responsibilities for access that are far different from their nondisabled peers.
#8.3 OUT OF THE BOX II: What’s in a Name?
Tammy Berberi – University of Minnesota, Morris
If 75% of the registered users of the Disability Resource Center do not consider themselves to be disabled then why are we using the terminology? What are the stakes of erasure when we opt for more neutral language? How do we effectively honor the full continuum of political subjectivities that our offices endeavor to embrace? Do we have a responsibility to the many students who quietly opt out of support? What is the extent of our responsibility to the campus community at large: to raise awareness, foster understanding, acceptance, solidarity...or other...or none? This session engages students and service providers from campuses of varying sizes and resources to explore issues of labels, language, and identity as these shape college experiences for all. Participants aspire to raise more questions than we resolve, but we nonetheless hope to facilitate thoughtful conversation and transformation.
#8.4 Section 504 at Forty: An Overview of the History and Current Disability Discrimination Issues for Higher Education -- What Must We Do? What Can We Do? What Should We Do?
Laura Rothstein – Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville
Forty years after Section 504 was passed, what are today’s hot legal issues? What are likely areas of litigation? What are courts and OCR likely to do? How can disability service providers proactively ensure that Section 504 and ADA requirements are followed with a minimum of litigation and confrontation especially with shrinking resources and growing numbers of students with disabilities?
#8.5 Black and African American College Students with Disabilities: Lessons Learned from Studying Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Wendy Harbour – Syracuse University
Sislena Grocer Ledbetter – University of the District of Columbia
While scholars often claim that universal design will make colleges more inclusive for students of color, there is little research supporting this claim. With funding from the U.S. Department of Education, researchers studied disability services at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and experiences of Black college students with disabilities. They will present their findings, and possible applications for predominantly White campuses.
#8.6 Testing and Disability Service Professionals: Partnership and Collaboration in Support of Students
Tim O’Connor – University of Wisconsin, Madison
Heidi Pettyjohn – University of Cincinnati
David Espinoza – University of Oregon
Diane Smith – Portland State University
The National College Testing Association (NCTA), an organization of post-secondary testing professionals, has reached out to AHEAD to initiate a conversation focused on collaboration and professional development. This presentation presents data from a survey of NCTA members on test accommodations for classroom exams and discusses the formation of an NCTA committee to examine the issues raised and promote collaboration with AHEAD.
#8.7 Consider P.E.A.C.E.: Applying Communication Access Principles Through the Principles of Universal Design
Cindy Poore-Pariseau – Bristol Community College
Julie Jodoin – Bristol Community College
Drawing from the concept of Universal Design, a learning specialist from a community college in Southeastern Massachusetts developed an acronym, P.E.A.C.E, to assist faculty members in applying concepts that will create a more accessible learning environment for their students. The acronym PEACE stands for five communication access reminders: Pace; Environment; Accessibility; Construct; and Expansion. It is a way for those who are developing course work and teaching to create a more accessible learning environment for students with disabilities and at the same time enhance the clarity of the instructor’s message and the learning potential for all students.
#8.8 Student Meets Employer: A Framework for Engaging Employers and Disclosing a Disability
Jeanette Richards – San Diego State University
Sara Mahoney – US Department of Labor, ODEP
Veronica Porter – Northeastern University
Marci Shaffer – Northeastern University
Individuals often find disclosing a disability to an employer is much different and often more difficult than in college. Students with disabilities are cautious and uninformed about disclosure in the workplace. This session will explore factors that either promote or discourage disclosure; will share perspectives of both students and employers (private and federal); will provide guidance to those who counsel students about disclosure; and will share methods of engagement of employers in the disability resources on your campus.
#8.9 Changing the Documentation Perspective on the Two-Year Campus
Jennifer Radt – University of Cincinnati - Clermont
Stephanie Dawson – Miami University – Hamilton
Adopting the new AHEAD documentation guidance can seem overwhelming, especially on the two-year campus where personnel and resources can be scarce. Join two colleagues as they share their journey from development to implementation of a new service paradigm. Participants will also be able to discuss their concerns and challenges with colleagues and create an outline to begin their own process of change.
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Block 9
#9.1 AT Open Forum - Quiz the Experts
Moderator: Ron Stewart – Chair AHEAD Technology Standing Committee
Bring your questions and burning issues to an open forum with some of the leading experts in the area of Access and Assistive Technologies in Higher Education.
#9.2 AHEAD Start & OUT OF THE BOX II: How it All Fits
Jamie Axelrod – Northern Arizona University
Bianca Costello – Office of Civil Rights
Devva Kasnitz – Senior Research Analyst, AHEAD
Tammy Berberi – University of Minnesota, Morris
Sharon Downs, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Facilitator: Richard Allegra – Director of Professional Development, AHEAD
Disability resource professionals respond to requests for access, accommodation and consultation on a daily basis. The decisions we make and the opinions we share set the tone for how our campuses frame and respond to disability. Our work must be consistent with legal and judicial guidance, but it should also move us closer to the vision of equity and social justice. In this session, an experienced DS director will describe his approach for addressing a variety of student and campus issues. His conclusions will then be augmented by an OCR representative and analyzed by disability studies scholars. Bring your questions and join us to conclude the AHEAD Start and OUT OF THE BOX II programs with a 360 degree analysis of your real-world issues.
#9.3 Identities: The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Disability
Jen Dugger – Portland State University
Creating a campus climate that values diversity is best achieved when identity groups work collaboratively. Disability professionals are better equipped to participate when they understand the various perspectives that are a part of the diversity discussion. A panel of DS professionals and students will explore the interaction of gender, sexuality, and disability identities at work, school, and in interpersonal relationships.
#9.4 Universal Design: Audit of a Disability Service Office
Frederic Fovet – McGill University
Heather Mole – McGill University
Patricia Dias Del Castillo – McGill University
Tanja Beck – McGill University
In promoting Universal Design across campus our Disability Service office realized that we needed to be practicing what we preached. In this interactive walk-about session come and experience; by talking to staff, watching videos, and getting your questions answered, what happened when we looked at our own approach to service and applied a UD framework.
#9.5 Getting Faculty to the Table: Understanding the Importance of Accessible Courses
Kirsten Behling – Suffok University
Van Credle – The Catholic University of America
Students with sensory disabilities continue to go to college in large numbers . While disability resource offices are largely responsible for ensuring academic access, the volume of work associated with one student with a sensory disability can quickly overwhelm an office. This session highlights the experiences of two universities proactive partnering with faculty to ensure access to their courses.
#9.6 50 (Thousand) Shades of Gray: Mastering the ADAAA Interactive Process
Carolyne Boone – Tompkins Cortland Community College
Randy Borst – University at Buffalo
Kelly Hermann – Empire State College
Determining appropriate academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services, and other reasonable accommodations is as much art as science. Using case studies and participant questions, this session will take the service provider through the nuances of asking good questions when determining the reasonableness of requested accommodations, suggesting alternate effective accommodations and best practices for saying yes or how about this instead.
#9.7 A Multiple Perspective Approach to Improving Initial Appointments with Students with Brain Injuries
Gracie Hyland – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Amy Bowe – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Heather Kaasa – University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
This presentation will use case studies of students with brain injuries to illustrate new ways of intentionally partnering with students as they use Disability Services. Presenters will give an overview of service delivery, informed by three basic principles of Disability Studies, and the qualitative results that came from this new approach.
#9.8 Preparing Students with ASD and LD for the Postsecondary Environment
Jessica Queener – George Washington University
Elizabeth Shook-Torres – George Washington University
As the enrollment of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Learning Disabilities (LD) in postsecondary programs increases, it is imperative that DS providers meet the needs of this student population. This guide, “Preparing Students with ASD and LD for the Postsecondary Educational Environment”, will provide DS providers with information for determining and administering effective services for students with ASD and LD.
#9.9 Integrating Universal Design in University Curriculum
Howard Kramer – Accessing Higher Ground, University of Colorado, Boulder
CU-Boulder was recently awarded an NEA grant to promote the integration of Universal Design into University Curriculum (UDUC). This session will review the resources offered by the project to both CU and non-CU institutions and how attendees can participate in the collaborative, interdisciplinary activities of the project. Furthermore, attend this session to learn about models and strategies for integrating UD content into curricula.