Overall Schedule
Thursday, July 11
9:00 – 10:30 am (Eastern Time): Opening Plenary
11:00 am – 12:30 pm (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 1
2:00 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 2
3:30 – 5:00 pm (Eastern Time): Featured Presentations A
Friday, July 12
11:00 am – 12:30 pm (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 3
2:00 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 4
4:00 – 6:00 pm (Eastern Time): Featured Presentations B
Saturday, July 13
9:00 – 10:00 am (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 5
11:30 am– 12:30 pm (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 6
2:00 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 7
3:30 – 5:00 pm (Eastern Time): Concurrent Block 8
Opening Plenary
Thursday, July 11, 9:00 am –10:30 am (Eastern Time)
Students with Disabilities are an Asset to Universities
Haben Girma, J.D.
Do our schools recognize the tremendous value gained by investing in accessibility? People with disabilities are the largest minority group, numbering over 1.3 billion worldwide. Schools that prioritize accessibility reach a larger audience, including disabled and nondisabled community members. We know from history that difference drives innovation, but few people know about the hidden figures with disabilities who have sparked many of the technologies we use today. Schools that welcome students and faculty members with disabilities are more likely to generate exciting new ideas and solutions. Come join us for this engaging presentation on the many ways schools stand to benefit by choosing inclusion.
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Concurrent Block 1
Thursday, July 11, 11:00 am –12:30 am (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
1.1: Assistive Technology: An Essential Tool to Support Students in College
Rachel Kruzel, , University of St. Thomas
Assistive technology is becoming more and more essential to supporting students. However, with the number of tools on the market, many of which are constantly changing, it can be challenging for disability resource staff to wrap their heads around integrating AT into their daily work. Finding methods and ways to utilize these tools does not take hours of trainings nor years of experience. This session will provide practical strategies and tools for the integration of assistive technology into the daily work of disability resource providers.
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(Track B)
1.9: Cripping Campus: Disabled Student Activism and Leadership in Disability Cultural Centers in Higher Ed
Elizabeth (liz) Thomson, M.A., University of Illinois Chicago, et al
If university campuses want to affirm diversity and inclusion, they must actively incorporate disability culture and disabled voices in their campus communities. To that end, this session will feature disabled students’ voices and lived experiences in the context of creating a disability cultural center (DCC) and/or being a student leader within one.
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Concurrent Block 2
Thursday, July 11, 2:00 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
2.6: Individualization, The Interactive Process and Fundamental Alteration
Jamie Axelrod, M.S., Northern Arizona University
Paul Grossman, J.D., Hastings Law School
In this session, we will look at three key issues that commonly arise in OCR letters and court cases: individualization, the interactive process, and fundamental alteration determination. It turns out that focusing your office practices on these important concepts will help you make more informed and helpful decisions when working with students and faculty.
(Track B)
2.9: Universally Designing Student Services - What Are We Doing Right? What Can We Do Better? How?
Kirsten Behling, MA, Tufts University
Jennifer Williams, PhD, East Carolina University
UDL is not a new concept, but it may be to those who work in student services. College is about more than the classroom experience, and in our role as disability services providers, we must make sure students' entire college experience is inclusive. This session will share a new student services UDL audit tool and multi-media tips for how to add UDL into the non-academic side of the college experience.
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Featured Presentations A
Thursday, July 11, 3:30 – 5:00 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
A2: Everyday Ableism - Exploring Disability Bias and Microaggressions
Amanda Kraus, Ph.D., University of Arizona
When we understand disability in a context of social justice and ableism, a cultural experience shaped by dynamics of power and privilege, we can begin to unpack the many ways disabled people are targets of bias and microaggressions. Emerging research on bias challenges us to appreciate bias as unintentional or even well-intended, behaviors and attitudes. As disability services professionals, it is important to have awareness of disability bias and the many ways bias manifests in higher education. This workshop will include discussion of research on bias and microagressions and relate it to practice.
(Track B)
A5: Online Access & Accommodations: We've Been There, Done That
Kelly Hermann, M.S.Ed., University of Phoenix
Linda Sullivan, M.A., Harvard University
Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D., University of Washington, DO-IT
Ana Quiroz
Are you stumped by online courses and digital access? Do you wish that you could hear from other DS providers about what they have done to tackle this challenge? Your wish is granted. Come join members of the Online Learning SIG to hear some tried and true tales from the field from DS providers just like you.
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Concurrent Block 3
Friday, July 12, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
3.1: Comprehensive Accessibility Training Means Everyone, Including Students
Carolyn Speer, Ph.D., Wichita State University
The agreement Wichita State has with the National Federation of the Blind defines instructors broadly to include anyone providing course content to students. This means the entire campus community, including students, needs to be trained in accessible presentation. This, along with other training requirements listed in the agreement, has presented a monumental training challenge for the university. The manager of the office involved in creating, delivering, and promoting this training state-wide will be on-hand to discuss how this was done and its effectiveness.
(Track B)
3.4: Neurodiversity and the College Campus
Jane Thierfeld Brown, Ed.D., College Autism Spectrum & Yale Child Study
Lorre Wolf, Ph.D., Boston University
Neurodiversity is sometimes used as a term to refer to Autism. However, neurodiversity can be recognized in many forms on college campuses. ADD/ADHD, Autism, Psychiatric Disabilities, and many other brain related impairments can affect students in multiple and complicated ways. A focus on simple cognitive strategies designed for DS practitioners will help attendees learn to foster development of self-regulatory skills to support students’ success. Reactions and responses to other students will also be discussed.
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Concurrent Block 4
Friday, July 12, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
4.2: Disability Justice and Ableism in Higher Education
Arlene Kanter, J.D., LL.M., Syracuse University
It is now more than 25 years since the adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act and more than 45 years since the enactment of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Both of these laws prohibit discrimination against students, faculty and staff with disabilities, including by colleges and universities. Yet even after all these many years, disability remains virtually invisible from diversity conversations, curriculum, and scholarship in higher education in the United States. We will discuss the reasons for this absence of disability in diversity initiatives within higher education in the U.S. and in other countries, followed by a discussion of what we can and must do about it.
(Track B)
4.6: At the Intersection of Disability and Conduct
L. Scott Lissner, The Ohio State University
A brief overview of research and statistics on campus threats and violence will frame a review of current regulations and case law and how they intersect with college conduct processes, behavioral assessment/care teams, and campus threat response. Practices that balance individual rights and community safety with be addressed.
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Featured Presentations B
Friday, July 12, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
B2: Know Your WHY to Excel at Your WHAT
Adam Meyer, Ph.D., University of Central Florida
Lance Alexis, Ed.D., Middle Tennessee University
Ann Knettler, M.A., Delaware State University
Long hours, strained resources, and increasing responsibilities make it easy to lose sight of core purposes of a disability office. However, if you do not know WHY you exist and intentionally incorporate your WHY in all you do (language used, documentation processes, accommodation determinations, faculty interactions, etc.), you cannot be effective in establishing, promoting, and accomplishing your office’s purpose. This session will explore strategies for developing your overall purpose and integrating it into your practice.
(Track B)
B3: Building a Campus-wide Universal Design Framework from the Ground Up
Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D., University of Washington
UD has emerged as a paradigm to address diversity and equity in the design of a broad range of applications, including educational software, instruction, and student services. Engage with the speaker and other participants about how applying a UD framework to all aspects of campus life can influence the expectation that technology procured, developed and used on campus will be accessible too. Develop a UD framework tailored to your campus that provides a guide for making teaching and learning, student services, IT, and physical spaces inclusive of everyone.
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Concurrent Block 5
Saturday, July 13, 9:00 – 10:00 am (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
5.2: Collaboration Across Campus
Melissa Zgliczynski, M.Ed., SUNY Empire State College
This presentation will explore strategies and best practices for Disability Services professionals working with faculty, staff, and offices across their institution. Barriers to collaboration will be addressed and effective communication practices will be discussed. The presenter will also share ideas for professional development opportunities Disability Services can provide to increase the understanding of issues related to students with disabilities among faculty and staff at their institution.
(Track B)
5.5: Using Data to Gain Support for Your Growing Needs
Michelle Shaw, M.A., Florida Atlantic University
Tom L. Thompson, M.A., TMLS Consulting
DRS professionals are seeing their student populations and roles on campus grow but have not seen an increase in funding, staff or space. They often face difficulties educating their supervisors and colleagues about the scope, importance and value of their work. In this session, you'll learn how to use data to "tell your story" and increase resources.
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Concurrent Block 6
Saturday, July 13, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
6.8: Disability Rights are Civil Rights: Infusing Disability Justice Into Average DS Offices
Jen Dugger, M.A., Portland State University
Randall Ward, M.A., Purdue University
While disability cultural centers are popping up across the country, many DS professionals struggle with having the resources to consider such an option. This session will explore promising practices and initiatives, using resources you already have to reframe the DS office as a unit for social justice on campus.
(Track B)
6.9: All Aboard the Hot Mess Express: A Group Model for Executive Functioning Impairments
Grace Clifford, M.A.Ed., Case Western Reserve University
Jennifer DeSantis, M.A.Ed., Case Western Reserve University
Campuses are supporting increasing numbers of students with executive functioning (ef) impairments at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional student level. Representatives from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Academic and Disability Resources offices will discuss the benefits of a group model for supporting this student population. They will also discuss the considerations for creating an EF group including: key components, structure, curriculum, and assessment.
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Concurrent Block 7
Saturday, July 13, 2:00 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
7.2: Inclusive Leadership
Donna Korbel, University of Connecticut
As disability service providers, we are regarded as champions for access and inclusion for all individuals with disabilities on our campuses. This creates a unique platform for us to create a truly inclusive environment; however, it cannot happen without deliberate efforts. This session will explore the qualities that effective, inclusive leaders practice to ensure that all members of the campus community feel welcomed and included.
(Track B)
7.8: DS' Role in BIT & the FERPA Myths Interfering in Supporting Students in Crisis
Christopher Stone, Ed.D., University of Carolina Wilmington
Maranda Maxey, M.A., Appalachian State University
This session supports colleagues' understanding of disability services role in their campus intervention mechanisms (e.g, Early Intervention, Student Behavior Intervention Team, Critical/Threat Assessment). Presenters will discuss their institutions' models including the roles and group composition. They will dissect The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the legitimate "need to know" rationale for sharing information outside the DS provision area, what FERPA actually says, and common misinterpretations of its expectation of confidentiality.
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Concurrent Block 8
Saturday, July 13, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm (Eastern Time)
(Track A)
8.5: Best Practices for Notetaking Accommodations: Research, Practices, Policies, and Technology
Paul Harwell, Ph.D. Candidate Higher Ed Administration, Harvard University
Note-taking accommodations are among the most common and traditional options utilized in the field. Notetaking technology has become a hot topic in recent years, but there are several ways to support notetaking for students with disabilities. In this session, I will discuss research on notetaking, best practices in notetaking accommodations, and share suggested policies and technologies to consider.
(Track B)
8.10: How to Read YOUR State Law Regarding Animals on Campus
Jane Jarrow, Ph.D., Disability Access Info Support
You understand the differences between 504, ADA, and the FHA when it comes to the place of animals on campus. But, each state is different, and state laws often go beyond federal requirements, making it hard to know what can (and should!) be put into your policies. This presentation will highlight the issues that arise in a careful reading of state law and arm participants with the understanding needed to sort out conflicting terminology and admonitions.
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