AHEAD is providing multiple opportunities for attendees to connect and get to know each other, all included in the cost of registration.
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, July 16, 5:30-7:00pm
The Welcome Reception will kick off the main Conference on Tuesday evening. We hope you’ll arrive in Baltimore in time to join us from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. Mingle with your colleagues for some wonderful food and beverages, entertainment, and a nice opportunity to connect or reconnect!
Drag Queen Bingo & Trivia Night, hosted by Ambrosia Rosia
Wednesday, July 17, 7:00-9:00pm
Holliday Room - Hilton Hotel
Co-hosted by the Disability Identity, Studies & Culture (DISC) Knowledge and Practice Community and the LGBTQA Knowledge and Practice Community
What better way to wind down from a long day of conference sessions than an exciting night of Drag Bingo and Trivia? To celebrate Disability Pride Month (July), dress to impress in the vibrant colors of the Disability Pride flag—red, gold, white, blue, green, and black, or however you choose to express your Disability Pride! Entry and bingo play are free, but your generous tips and donations will benefit local non-profits through the "The AHEAD Giveback" (TAG) campaign. Light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided at no charge, and ASL interpretation and CART captioning will be available. Mark your calendars for a fabulous evening of games and laughter!
There are a limited number of Bingo supplies available (accessible versions for blind/low vision attendees available as well), so those will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Others who do not want to participate in Bingo are welcome to come and enjoy the show! Once room capacity is reached, the doors will be closed to late attendees to ensure everyone's safety.
Exhibit Hall Opening and President’s Reception
Wednesday, July 17, 5:00-7:00pm
Kay Ballroom Foyer Exhibit Space – Hilton Hotel
The President’s Reception will include a selection of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, hosted soft drinks, and live entertainment, all held in conjunction with the opening of the exhibit space. We will again be spreading recognition for AHEAD members who have served the Association and impacted the profession through their innovation, service, and scholarship throughout the week. Come learn from innovative vendors and sponsors, and meet and greet old friends and new!
Equity & Excellence Celebration Reception
Hosted by the Racial and Ethnic Diversity and Disability (REDD) Knowledge and Practice Community
Thursday, July 18, 5:30 -7:00pm
Stadium Ballroom – Marriott Inner Harbor Hotel
This reception is the perfect way to celebrate the week with new and old friends. The Racial and Ethnic Disability and Diversity Knowledge and Practice Community invites you to an evening of eating, socializing, and community building. The remaining awards will be presented to AHEAD members who have served the Association and impacted the profession through their innovation, service, and scholarship, including the prestigious Ronald E. Blosser Award for outstanding service to AHEAD. Dress is casual or as fun as you'd like it to be.